Chapter 67*

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CW: Sexual content

Sebastian arrived early to the bank. He didn't get much sleep despite Liam's instructions to do so. He was too excited. And nervous.

Adding to his nervousness, his first stop upon his arrival at Gringotts was straight to make himself a coffee.

By his second cup, he was so jittery he almost didn't notice Rosie's sister, Isabelle, running through the lobby with a bag strewn over her shoulder. But just when he decided he should perhaps investigate, she left at the same pace she arrived.

For a fleeting moment, Sebastian considered investigating her unusual appearance and subsequent disappearance, but he thought better of it.

Probably for the best to not upset Rosie before they'd even left.

A mere hour later, Sebastian had his team assembled in his office. They were to travel via portkey, find their lodgings and then meet up with the rest of the crew assigned to the trip.

He began a count, making sure he had all five of his assigned curse-breakers, noticing just how exhausted Rosie looked, but again electing to ignore it. It was not his place.

When they all travelled via portkey and arrived in Cairo, they met up with the rest of the crew and headed to their accommodation, a small hotel.

Everyone split to find their rooms and Sebastian located his, tossing his bag inside, not particularly caring where it landed before throwing himself onto his bed.

After a brief moment of rest, Sebastian dragged himself up from the bed before he fell asleep and decided to explore the hotel. As he wandered through the corridors, he caught snippets of conversation from other members of the expedition team, most of them excited to be on another job abroad until he watched a group head towards a room on the ground floor.

"Sebby, lunch!" Lucas almost screamed, practically skipping his way down the halls with the rest of them.

While it was true Sebastian had become quite fond of Lucas, he still found his excitement and enthusiasm exasperating at times and followed him at a snails pace.

After following Lucas, Sebastian quickly learned they were going to be provided food each day, which he was mostly grateful for.

He stacked up a pile of sandwiches and sat next to Lucas in the seat he'd saved for him and began to scan the room as he slowly ate.

Sebastian liked observing the people he worked with. He'd become quite adept at reading people since he'd taken more of a lax approach to his life and was solely focusing on himself, a trait that was probably the reason he was now doing such a high role and was able to (mostly) select his own team despite being a mere twenty-two years old.

And while most of his team seemed to click and work well together, one member was notably missing.


He stood up with his plate still in hand, wandering over to the person he realised would likely know where she was.

"Emily, right? I'm Sebastian," He said, offering the petite blonde-haired girl a soft smile.

"I know who you are," she retorted with a frown.

Of course she did.

"Uh–yeah, I just... do you know where Rosie is?"

"I do."

And then silence.

Awkward silence.

"Can you tell me?" Sebastian asked.

Tempest // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now