Chapter 26

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Sebastian and Rosie sat before each other on the cold, dusty Undercroft floor. Sebastian propped his knees up and rested his forehead against them, thoughts swirling around in his mind.

He had convinced himself she was gone forever and went through the process of grieving her. He'd worked hard to be okay and dove straight back into books and study and here she was, in flesh, just as beautiful and captivating as he remembered. And that annoyed him.

"First, I just wanted to apologise." Rosie began.

Sebastian lifted his head, letting his chin sit on his knees. He wanted to tell her not to bother, save her apologies, but instead he swallowed his pride and let her talk.

"I... I shouldn't have left like that. We weren't in the best place and I panicked. I thought the best thing for everybody was that I just leave. No more drama, no more getting into trouble. But, I see it was a mistake and I hurt you badly. I really am sorry."

Sebastian sighed, trying to gather his thoughts and what to say that wasn't going to make him furious. "You did hurt me. I understand we had broken up and I had done some bad things but the least you could have done is told me you were planning on leaving. At least then I would have had some closure."

She nodded softly, silently acknowledging the pain she had caused Sebastian.

"I know, Sebastian. I should have talked to you. I was just overwhelmed, and I thought distancing myself would be the best solution for the both of us. I didn't want to hurt you any more than I already had.." she explained.

Sebastian sighed again. He looked into Rosie's eyes and saw a real sense of sincerity. She was being truthful, she looked genuinely remorseful.

"I appreciate the apology. But you can't just walk back into my life and expect everything to be the same."

"And I don't. I just needed to speak to you, explain why I came back."

"Please don't try and tell me you're back because you realised you can't live without me or some other bullshit." Sebastian groaned.

"No, I mean, yes, I do still love you. But... well, when I went back the event still occurred."

"So you're here to kill me then?"

"No! It wasn't you, Sebastian. It was Rookwood. He meddled with magic he shouldn't and caused a rebellion. That rebellion has resparked another in my time. Things aren't good. I had to come back, I have to take out Rookwood. It's my fault the future got changed."

"So, let me get this straight." Sebastian said, sitting up. "You're not here for us, for our relationship. You're here because you coming here in the first place altered the future?"

"I... well, yes. I had to come back and fix what I broke and that included you but I know I hurt you. I needed to let you know in person that I am truly sorry, it's all my fault and I regret everything. I shouldn't have broken up with you. I should have supported you. I realise that now and I'm sorry. Please know I don't expect anything from you."

"Except help with Rookwood, right?"

Rosie's mouth opened and closed, words struggling to form.

Sebastian simply shook his head. "This is unbelievable. First, you leave me because I wanted to go after Rookwood and I'm forced to mourn you for weeks then, just when I feel like I'm getting better you turn back up and tell me he now needs to be taken care of?"

"I know. It sounds bad, Sebastian. I didn't know this would happen and I panicked, okay? You don't need to help me. I can do it on my own I just... I needed you to know how sorry I am and that I still love you."

Tempest // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now