Chapter 59*

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CW: Sexual content

A/N: Sorry this has taken so long. I've been so unwell and unmotivated so may I present to you, crack chapter with nothing but smut. Enjoy.


Six weeks.

The longest time Rosie and Sebastian had ever been completely relaxed and drama free.

But that made them definitely not relaxed and waiting patiently for their lives to spiral once again.

Work was as smooth as it could be with the capture of the criminal back in Northern Ireland and the rest of the artefacts were quickly and easily tracked down by the more experienced curse-breakers, leaving Sebastian and Rosie to work on learning to break any enchantments or curses left on them.

That kind of work also gave them time to work from home. They had transformed a corner of their living room into a makeshift office, cluttered with books on ancient curses, scrolls detailing mystical incantations, and a few artefacts assigned to them to break.

Sebastian sat at the desk, poring over a particularly challenging spellbook, while Rosie lounged on the nearby couch, flipping through pages of her own research notes.

The afternoon sunlight streamed through the window and Sebastian let out an audible yawn.

"Bored?" Rosie asked, not even bothering to bring her eyes up from her reading.

"A little." Sebastian responded.

"Well," Rosie began, finally lowering her books, "Lucky I got a message from Lucas earlier."

Sebastian's interests were piqued and he placed down the spellbook, arching his back and stretching his neck, "Oh? What about?"

"There's a group meeting at the Leaky Cauldron tonight. Just a casual after work catch up."


"Not interested?" Rosie said with a raised eyebrow, placing the book down to turn and face Sebastian.

"It's not that, I just really like our Friday nights." Sebastian whined.

Rosie let out a laugh. Their Friday's had unintentionally morphed into a movie and pizza night for them. Sebastian would order a pizza while Rosie chose a movie to show Sebastian and they'd eat, curl up together and occasionally fall asleep, if Sebastian didn't ask a thousand questions about the movie they were watching, that is.

"Me too, but we can just do it tomorrow instead. It'll be good to catch up with everyone in person since we've been home for weeks doing this."

Sebastian nodded, conceding to the idea. "Alright, I'll go. But I want to watch Mamma Mia tomorrow."

"Mamma Mia?" Rosie asked, trying not to burst into laughter, "Why?"

"The way you described it, it sounds thrilling!" Sebastian beamed.

Rosie couldn't help but chuckle at Sebastian's sheer enthusiasm for a movie she'd merely mentioned once in passing. "Alright, Mamma Mia it is. But only if you promise not to ask a thousand questions during the movie."

Sebastian grinned. "I make no promises."

With a playful roll of her eyes, Rosie got up from the couch with a groan and stretched her arms above her head. "Well, let's get ready then. It'll be nice to see everyone again."

Sebastian wrapped up his last bits of work while Rosie started the tedious process of getting herself ready which seemed to take twice as long now they weren't in the time Sebastian was used to.

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