Chapter 42*

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CW: Sexual content again :D

Rosie followed Sebastian through Feldcroft feeling solemn despite the circumstances. The cottage truly wasn't Sebastian's home anymore and all that he had left of his previous life was being held in his arms, inside the dusty box that lived hidden under floorboards for years.

"Shit," Sebastian exclaimed, leaving Rosie no time for sentimental thoughts as she was promptly dragged behind the well in the centre of town.

"What!?" She exclaimed before Sebastian's large palm covered her mouth.

"Shh! Look!"

She followed Sebastian's finger, pointing out into the hamlet and saw Solomon and Anne walking back towards the cottage.

"Good timing, huh?" He smirked as he let his hand fall away from her mouth.

"Shut up!" She scolded, flicking his cheek which had him letting out a small yelp.

His outburst drew the attention of only Anne, thankfully, who peered across the hamlet and spotted Sebastian and Rosie both peering over the well.

She furrowed her brows but still gave them a discreet but friendly wave before the door to the cottage closed and Sebastian knew they were free.

He walked them to the community floo point and they travelled back to Hogwarts swiftly.

"I just need to put this back, come with me and then we'll get some food," Sebastian said, "I don't know about you, but I am absolutely starved."

"I think I'm full enough," Rosie said. She caught Sebastian's forlorn look and rolled her eyes, "But I'll still come with you, I suppose."

Sebastian's face lit up like a small child and he led her to the Slytherin common room, quickly rushing her up the stairs and into his room before he was spotted leading a girl, let alone a Ravenclaw girl, to places they shouldn't be.

He shoved the box under his bed right next to the other (locked) one that contained a very important item he would need again very soon if he was going to stop Solomon from leaving Feldcroft.

And once the items were stowed away safely, he headed back out, leading Rosie down to the Great Hall where they found Ominis sitting in the same spot he was when they left to go to Feldcroft. They weren't even sure if he'd moved all day.

He was sitting peacefully, hand cupped delicately in his palm that was propped up by his elbow while his eyes were gently fluttered shut.

"Hey, you alive?" Sebastian commented as he sat across from his friend, picking up a piece of bread and flinging right at his nose.

The stray piece of dough startled him so much, he nearly toppled back off the bench, only stopping himself by wildly gripping at the table.

"For Merlin's sake, Sebastian!" Ominis barked, straightening his shirt and sitting back upright with a huff.

The two started to talk, or rather, argue, about Sebastian daring to step foot in Feldcroft again when he wasn't supposed to be there when a thought and a strange feeling below hit Rosie like a steamtrain.

"Seb..." she leaned over, whispering in his ear.

"Mmm?" He mumbled, his eyes still burning into Ominis as he half-listened to his verbal lashing.

"I forgot..."

"What?" Sebastian said, confused as to what she'd forgotten, his head now swivelling to face her.

She took his hand and lifted her skirt enough and placed his hand on her thigh. "Okay?" He whispered.

And she waited. And waited. And waited.

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