Chapter 40

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Sebastian was let out of the hospital wing long enough to attend Professor Fig's memorial.

He made his way to the Slytherin table in the Great Hall with his peers and sat between Ominis and Imelda, fiddling with the bandages on his hands, knuckles still burning. He peered over to the Ravenclaw table, noticing Rosie sitting between Andrew Larson and Astoria Crickett. She was indulging them in conversation, but none of them seemed to notice the sorrow etched into her skin, how her chest heaved as she fought back the tears threatening to overcome her.

No one but Rosie knew what had happened to Victor Rookwood and all his henchmen in Marunweem.

Of course, there were rumours. The Daily Prophet had reported on the mysterious death of numerous Dark Wizards and goblins, the most notable Victor Rookwood, but at the current point, there were no suspects.

Particularly when most of them seemed to be struck down by lightning.

The main catalyst seemed to be a Tempest Jinx. Something Sebastian figured was well beyond the capabilities of two seventh-year students, even one with Ancient Magic abilities.

Professor Black stood before the student body, clearing his throat and beginning a very mediocre and frankly offensive spiel about Professor Fig.

Sebastian sighed and flexed his fingers, the throbbing in his hands getting worse as he struggled to stay focused on the mundane speech being cast to the entire school.

But, thankfully, Professor Weasley stepped up and nudged Professor Black to the side, taking a place at the lectern.

"Thank you, Professor Black,"

Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"Professor Eleazar Fig was a remarkable wizard and an even more extraordinary Professor who cared deeply for each and every one of his students. His dedication to our school and teaching magical theory will forever be remembered by us all. We are gathered here not just to mourn his loss but to celebrate the impact he had on each and every one of us."

Sebastian listened intently as Professor Weasley continued to speak, rather eloquently, he thought, and peered over to Rosie once more.

He noticed she was struggling to stay composed, her chest was heaving and her head was low.

He wanted to jump up and scoop her up, carry her away. He wanted to make it all stop, but he couldn't. He was simply left with no choice but to watch on, absolutely helpless as Rosie began to lose her composure more and more.

"Let us all take solace in the fact that Professor Fig is now reunited with his love, his late wife, Miriam."

Sebastian's eyes flicked back to Rosie once more.

She had lost the battle.

Tears were streaming down her face, trying desperately to hide them with her robe sleeves. No one around her had noticed her struggling. No one was comforting her.

Fuck it.

Sebastian stood up, drawing the attention and curious eyes of a few people and walked around the back of the hall, approaching the Ravenclaw table and slotting himself between Rosie and Astoria.

He pulled her into his arms and let her sob against his chest, not caring who was looking or talking or whispering.

Rosie clung to Sebastian desperately, fingers digging into his sides, her shoulders trembling with each silent sob.

And Sebastian joined her, letting his own tears finally fall into her hair, sniffling gently to not make it obvious to her that he was doing the same.

"Let us remember Professor Fig for the joy and wisdom he brought into our lives. May his spirit live on in the knowledge he imparted and the memories we shared with him."

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