Chapter 69

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Rosie almost toppled backwards with the force that Anne had grabbed her, unsure whether to reciprocate her hug, but she placed her arms against Anne's back and smiled.

Anne let go just in time for Sebastian to push past his sister and throw himself down onto the sofa, demanding his healer sister abandon Rosie for the moment before he managed to drip blood all over the floor.

"Did he do all of this?" Anne called from across the room after she finally let Rosie out of her grasps to collect her small kit.

"Yep. Surely it's not that surprising though?" Sebastian whined, bringing his hand to his temple with a groan.

"You told her too?" Rosie chided, smacking him swiftly across the back of the head, making him wince loudly as she took the armchair across the otherside of the room.

"Oh, don't worry," Anne assured her, "He didn't say much. Promise."

Anne crouched in front of Sebastian and yanked him down towards her by the hair, inspecting the deep cut in his scalp with a frown.

Her first point of action was to force a Wiggenweld down his throat, not caring that he gagged on it while she closed up the gash on his head with a healing spell, narrowing her eyes at the purple marks beginning to show on his cheeks and eyes.

"Did you even fight back?" Anne chuckled as she tallied how many injuries she was actually healing.

"Yes! Of course I did..." Sebastian muttered.

He did fight back, after he got what he needed after all, but he wasn't about to divulge to his sister that he was about to kill Oliver with his bare hands.

"Well, let's hope he looks worse than you. Make it really worth this pain, huh?" Anne said, placing a cool compress onto his eye.

"I'm certain he will," Rosie commented, "Sebastian did get a few good knocks in. At the end."

Sebastian glared at her with the one eye not covered with a damp gauze "You're not helping," he grumbled, though there was a hint of a smile growing across his face.

"Just keeping you humble," Rosie smirked

Anne finished her work, packing away her kit and patting her brother affectionately on the top of the head, "You're lucky I came home tonight. I can't imagine you trying to deal with this yourself."

Sebastian sighed, leaning back against the sofa cushions. "I know, Anne. Thanks."

"Of course," Anne nodded, "Oh, and, just so you're aware, James is coming by tonight for dinner."

"What?!" Sebastian exclaimed, almost leaping off the lounge, causing him to groan and grip at his temples, "After all this, you invited him? With Rosie here and me looking like this?" He pointed at his beat up head.

"Grow up, Sebastian. You can make yourself scarce, you know. You aren't the only occupant of this house."

Rosie laughed under her breath watching the twins bicker and argue like they were seventeen again. It made her smile. The last time she had seen Anne, she despised them both, but none more than Rosie. It almost made all the pain she'd been through in the past few years worth it to see them happy again.


A knock at the door interrupted the twins' fighting and Anne approached the door, not expecting James to arrive so early.

Sebastian scrambled to jump up and take Rosie immediately back to his room to hide the sight of himself, but he came to a sudden halt when he realised it was not James, but rather a very familiar looking sister.

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