Chapter 45

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Sebastian flung the time turner around his neck, turning back to look at Rosie one last time before he left the great room heading out to a dim and dark corridor, seeing the carnage he'd accidentally caused.

He didn't realise that he had summoned an entire army, not just four, and that he didn't have any control over them at all. And a sudden rush of guilt washed over him once more.

This was all his fault.

Sebastian sat on the dusty floor, considering all of his options. He had to stop Solomon before he got to Rosie. He could take him out before he got to the room, but that would mess with time. The confrontation had to occur.

He thought back to the time he had read the book, each turn of the hourglass shaped necklace turned time back an hour.

So he took it in his hands and spun the mechanism, watching time spin past by him quickly until it stopped twirling, leaving him sitting there in silence, mulling over his plan of attack.

But Sebastian's thoughts were disturbed by the sounds of a shrill groaning, screaming and spells being thrown around in the room to the side, and he quickly realised Anne, Ominis and Rosie were approaching. He crept over to the doorway to see, careful to not be spotted and watched them as they fought back what looked like dozens and dozens of inferi.

His eyes drifted to Rosie, watching her coordinate the attack, guiding Anne and Ominis with such grace and finesse, her skirt shifting and twirling as she moved, hair flicking back with small strands sticking to her sweat-laden forehead, intensified by the fire balls they were throwing out.

Sebastian felt sick looking at what he'd caused, he didn't know how he'd missed that detail, or what he'd overlooked to not realise how little control he actually had.

So he helped them.

Sebastian conjured some barrels that just so happened to be filled with a gentle explosive. Enough to blow up any of the inferi, but not enough to collapse the entire room or blow themselves up and when they were distracted, he gently cast Wingardium Leviosa and slipped them in, placing them against the corners.

And once they were promptly taken care of, Rosie quick to notice the barrels she could take advantage of, Sebastian slipped back into the shadows.

He watched on as the three of them found past-Sebastian, standing proudly with the four inferi he did have under his control.

Sebastian's first thought was that he looked a bit like an arrogant prat, the second was that he needed to think of a plan quickly.

He heard the sounds of the disagreement start, heard him yelling as Anne hit the ground, setting off her curse and watched as Ominis helped her to her feet, supporting her as they walked quickly to get out.

"Come on, Anne. I'll get you back to the cottage, okay? Then I'll come back and help Sebastian." Ominis assured her.

"And you will help him? Not get mad? He's not himself, Ominis... he needs support, we can get angry later. Please."

"I promise, Anne. I'll make sure they're safe first."

The pair were gone and Sebastian managed a small smile, pleased to know his sister and best friend were safe.

Once they were certainly out of sight, Sebastian inched closer to the great room, climbing the stairs and waiting.

And waiting was torture. He heard the fight and knew he couldn't jump in and intervene, or he'd be spotted and he's sure he would have given his uncle an aneurysm there and then at the sight of not one, but two delinquent nephews.

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