Chapter 58

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Two weeks into Sebastian's hospital stint and he was tearing his hair out. Rosie had gone back to work and taken to stopping past the hospital every evening with a new book Sebastian had requested.

The problem was that Sebastian was completing every book before the day was over, but Rosie did find it strange when she got to Friday evening on the second week and she hadn't received a message stating what book she was to bring.

So she turned up to St Mungo's slightly earlier than normal, not having to stop by their apartment after work to collect yet another novel or tome or textbook, depending on whatever mood Sebastian was in, finding his nose deep in a book.

Rosie lingered in the doorway for a moment, noticing the improvements in Sebastian every day. Today, much to her disappointment, he was actually wearing his hospital gown. He hadn't liked to before, he claimed it hurt his stomach.

So while she was happy it meant he was getting better, she was slightly sad she wasn't being greeted by her bare-chested boyfriend.

He pushed the glasses further up his nose, blissfully unaware he was being watched and his tongue began to slide out the corner of his lips.

"Interesting book?"

"Fuck! What are you doing sneaking in like that?! And you're early?" He almost screamed, shutting the book with a loud slam.

"Am I not allowed to be early?" Rosie asked with a raised eyebrow, walking over to kiss him softly on the head.

"Well, yes, but a heads up would have been nice." Sebastian frowned.

Rosie flicked him a strange look and took the book out of his hands, flicking through the pages to try and find what had him so enthralled.

"No! Give me that!" Sebastian said, lurching forward to try and yank the book out of her hands.

"Why?" Rosie smirked, holding the book above her head knowing full well that Sebastian wouldn't be able to jump out of the bed fast enough to take it from her. "Just tell me what's so interesting and why you need to keep it a secret? I'd assumed we were going to tell each other everything..."

Sebastian threw Rosie one last look of sympathy to no avail before sighing and relenting, "Fine. I'm trying to find out why it's taking me so damn long to recover."

"Hm," Rosie huffed, handing him the book back and sitting on the edge of his bed, "Maybe it's because you won't let yourself rest and keep researching in books..."

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Well, maybe if these Healers gave me some answers, I wouldn't have to resort to doing my own research."

"Seb, you know they're doing everything they can. And besides, you're not a Healer. Just trust them."

Sebastian sighed, "Fine. It's just hard not knowing, you know?"

Rosie nodded sympathetically, "I know, but you're making progress every day. Look at you, actually wearing the hospital gown today."

Sebastian grinned sheepishly. "Yeah, well, I figured I should start following their rules a bit more. Plus, it's getting a bit chilly without a shirt."

Rosie laughed, leaning in to kiss him gently. "Well, I can't say hospital green is really your colour..."

"And what would suit me?"

"Nothing at all... but as you said, you should follow their rules a bit more." Rosie said with a devilish grin.

Sebastian chuckled, "Wanna see what it looks like today? It's practically gone now."

Rosie nodded and Sebastian shimmied the gown up his body to rest under his chin.

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