Chapter 43

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A/N: Sorry it's a short one. I wanted to get this part out quickly because I was getting roasted for the Ominis/Leander thing and wanted to defend myself. Hopefully this clears it up for you all 😂

Sebastian and Rosie sat at the Slytherin table for breakfast the next morning, escaping in the wee hours of the morning when they were certain they'd heard Leander leave and Ominis was in a deep sleep.

They spent the rest of the night asleep on one of the lounges in the common room.

After splitting up to do their usual morning routines, they met up again in the hall.

"Ah, there he is." Sebastian said, watching the tall and lanky red-head canter in and take a seat at the Gryffindor table, conveniently sitting facing the both of them.

Sebastian grew silent, and that made Rosie suspicious.

"What are you doing?" She leaned over and whispered, watching Sebastian keep his eyes firmly planted across the hall.

"Intimidating him. Letting him know that I know what he did."

Rosie laughed, he looked ridiculous, staring at a person who had no idea he was even being stared at. But when Leander finally did notice Sebastian staring at him with a smirk growing on his lips, Leander looked incredibly nervous.

Sebastian picked up a piece of bacon, his glare unmoving as he bit into it, his smirk only growing with how uncomfortable Sebastian was making him.

Suddenly Leander found his plate of scrambled eggs rather interesting, but Sebastian simply continued to stare until Leander jumped up abruptly and made him way out of the Great Hall quickly.

Sebastian followed suit, almost taking up a jog as he caught up to Leander, placing an arm around his shoulder while coaxing Leander to continue walking.

"Good morning, Prewett. Have a relaxing night did you?" Sebastian pressed, the wide grin he'd been sporting now permanently fixed across his face.

"What? I–uh, yes... I suppose so. Didn't do much, really."

"Interesting..." Sebastian pondered, "You know, I saw something quite fascinating last night..."


Leander was scared.

"Yeah... you know, for someone so... cocky... I never took you for someone who enjoyed being told what to do on their knees." Sebastian raised an eyebrow, enjoying the discomfort written all over Leander's face

Leander's turned several shades of red, and he faltered, struggling hard to form a sentence, "I–I have no idea what you're talking about!"

Sebastian chuckled, tightening his grip on Leander's shoulder. "Oh, I think you do. A bit hypocritical, don't you think? Coming from someone who used to make fun of Ominis..."

Leander's eyes widened, and his attempt at denial had failed. He swallowed nervously, looking around the corridor to make sure no one else was within earshot.

Sebastian leaned in closer, hand still gripping his shoulder. "I remember a certain incident out in the courtyard not too long ago, don't you Rosie?" He said, peering towards Rosie who was now stood in front of them. "I'm sure her fist still does. God, was it good seeing her crumble Fawley like that..."

"I... I didn't think it was a big deal. I–It was a joke!"

Sebastian grinned, maintaining his grip on Leander's shoulder. "Oh, I'm sure it was just a joke. But take this as a warning, Prewett. You mess with us or Ominis again, and we might just remind everyone about the Gryffindor who once found himself on his knees in front of the heir of Slytherin. You got that?"

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