Chapter 13

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Sebastian had to admit that he slept surprisingly well after his very mediocre previous nights sleep and the fact he could finally release the pent up urges he'd been holding in all day.

But his momentary state of relaxation was short lived when he realised just how hungry he was at 6am. Skipping dinner had proved to be a mistake.

So Sebastian dragged himself out of his bed and dressed in his robes, promising himself a coffee over his usual tea and pumpkin juice. He hoped getting to breakfast early meant he avoided Rosie because now that his head was less fuzzy and no longer in a loved up daze, he remembered he told himself he would tell her how he felt. And now he absolutely didn't want to do that.

But Sebastian knew he had to. He couldn't very well go around all day for the rest of his school year wound up so tight just by the mere scent of her. At least if he told her and she said no he could try and move on. Particularly if she told him she was involved with Andrew Larson, as much as he wanted Leander to be wrong.

In the Great Hall he tried hard to focus on the Daily Prophet in front of him, skimming through headlines, though the words just weren't absorbing in his brain.

He was trying so hard, he didn't even notice the culprit of all his frustrations plop themselves down in front of him and begin to pile their plate with food.

"I'd say good morning but your face says otherwise."

Sebastian looked up from his paper, his gaze meeting Rosie's cheerful smile. He attempted to reciprocate, though his expression seemed more strained than he had intended it to.

"Morning," he mumbled, unable to muster the enthusiasm he usually had for their conversations. Sebastian cleared his throat, his eyes darting back to the newspaper.

Rosie simply continued to load her plate with scrambled eggs and toast. "You didn't come to dinner last night," she remarked.

Sebastian fidgeted with the edge of the newspaper, feeling a little guilty for avoiding her. "Yeah, just wasn't feeling up to it."

Rosie raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk forming on her lips. "You sure it wasn't because you were trying to avoid someone?"

Sebastian's heart skipped a beat, and he wondered if she could somehow sense the internal struggle he was dealing with. "No, not at all," he stammered, a bit too quickly. "Just needed some alone time, you know?"

"Fair enough. Did you see the column on goblins?" Rosie asked, pointing at the newspaper.

"Truthfully, I haven't really been reading it." Sebastian admitted.

Rosie's previous smile dropped and was replaced by furrowed brows and a pitiful expression. "Why? Something on your mind?"


That's all Sebastian wanted to say, but the word wouldn't come out. "No—I mean, yeah but... you don't need to concern yourself with that."

Rose shrugged and took the paper from Sebastian's grasps, flicking it to a certain page and sliding it back in front of him. "Maybe focus up for a moment and give that a read."

His eyes skimmed the paper and Sebastian found himself engrossed in an article about the recent goblin campsites popping up across the highlands, most notably around Feldcroft and Hogwarts.

As he read, Rosie continued to eat her breakfast, watching him read through squinty eyes, though Rosie wasn't sure if it was his general lack of vision despite the insistence he was fine or the contents of the article that were concerning him.

When he folded the newspaper closed and took another sip of his coffee, he finally met Rosie's gaze.

"So? What do you think?" She pried.

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