Chapter 7

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tw: talk of trauma and abuse

Sebastian stashed the broom near the Quidditch sheds for Imelda to take back in the morning.

Rosie followed him silently, wanting desperately to make sure he was truly alright. But when she expected him to head to the grand staircase to descend to the dungeons, he turned into the Defence Against the Dark Arts tower.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

Sebastian didn't respond. She knew it was a dumb question.

"Did you want me to come with you?"

"If you want." He mumbled.

He clicked open the door to the Undercroft, holding it open for Rosie and walking to the middle of the room, sinking to the floor against a pillar. He tilted his head back and shut his eyes, his hands digging into his knees. Rosie took a seat in front of him and placed her hands on his shoes.

"Are you alright?"

He shook his head softly and let out a deep, shaky breath.

Rosie felt a wave of empathy wash over her as she looked at Sebastian, vulnerable and battered. Without a word or even a cohesive thought, she moved closer, shuffling herself in between his legs, and wrapped her arms around him.

Sebastian leaned into her and she felt his body start to heave a little. He was crying.

She squeezed him a little tighter. She knew this was wrong and absolutely detrimental to her plan, but she couldn't get the image out of her head and all she knew right now was that this boy needed comfort.

"I'm so sorry. I hate that he has that power over you," Rosie whispered.

Sebastian nodded. "It's been like this for as long as I can remember and he's worse now since Anne's been unwell. At least he didn't beat me until then."

Rosie winced at his words and simply held Sebastian even tighter, offering whatever comfort she could.

"I wish there was something I could do," Rosie admitted, her own eyes stinging with unshed tears. "No one should have to go through that."

Sebastian took a shuddering breath, his hands gripping Rosie's back. "You being here helps more than you know. It's like... for once, I'm not alone."

He pulled away from her and wiped his eyes and nose with his robe sleeve. "Sorry. That's embarrassing."

"It's absolutely not. I don't blame you. What he did to you was awful." Rosie said.

Sebastian mumbled something like he agreed but didn't care and stood up quickly. "I'm sleeping here tonight. I can walk you back to the Ravenclaw tower if—"

"I'll stay with you."


"I said I'll stay with you. You shouldn't be alone right now." Rosie said.

Sebastian stared at Rosie for a moment before shaking his head. "You don't have to do that, Rosie. I'll be fine."

Rosie stood up, standing in front of him to show she was serious. "I want to, Sebastian. You've been through too much tonight."

Sebastian hesitated, then nodded. "Well, thank you. I appreciate it more than I can say."

He took out his wand and pushed some of the dusty barrels to the side, conjuring two single beds for them both.

The room transformed from a dim, dusty Undercroft to a makeshift, somewhat comfortable sleeping space. Rosie took out her own wand and conjured some more comfortable pillows and blankets, laying them out on each bed.

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