Chapter 11

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Rosie felt a rush of anxiety rush over her as she walked towards the Quidditch pitch. It had just started to rain and she was truly not a fan of flying in the rain, but she quickly realised she couldn't back down now.

Astoria Crickett was on the pitch already, directing her new team to the change rooms to collect their new training uniforms. So Rosie headed in and started to become acquainted with her new teammates.

"Ah, you're Primrose, yes?"

Rosie turned on her heels to see a short-haired blonde girl beaming at her. "Uh, yes. I prefer Rosie though."

"Great! Rosie it is then. I'm Constance Dagworth and I prefer Connie. Is yours also an aversion to the pompous, stuffiness of your name?"

"Something like that." Rosie smiled.

"Well, Rosie, Astoria's set up your things over in that back corner so you can go get ready. I'm sure Astoria will be starting soon."

"Thanks Connie." Rosie said sincerely, trying not to show that she was actually incredibly nervous.

She located her gear emblazoned with "Callahan" across the back, making the whole situation feel more real and strangely bizarre. She didn't want to draw attention to herself, yet here she was with her name plastered across her back for everyone to see. She took it into one of the changing areas and emerged, completely head to toe in blue and bronze.

"Alright team, grab your brooms, let's get started!" Astoria called out to the buzzing change room.

If Rosie wasn't nervous before, she certainly was now. She didn't have a broom.


"I... uh, don't have one."

Astoria simply laughed. "Come on. I'll get you a spare, but your homework is to buy one, yes?"

"Yes, Captain."

Rosie followed Astoria out of the change room quickly noticing the rain had intensified, creating a misty cover over the Quidditch pitch. As they approached the equipment shed, Astoria chatted about her vision for the team and her expectations for the upcoming season.

Inside the shed, Astoria rummaged through a collection of brooms, eventually finding a serviceable one for Rosie. It wasn't the latest model, but it would do for practice.

"Here you go, Rosie. This one should suit you for now. We'll make sure you get a proper one later. I know we can't leave the castle right now, so maybe send an owl to Spintwitches. Now, let's join the team," Astoria said, handing Rosie the broom with a friendly smile before leading her out to the pitch with the rest of her Ravenclaw teammates.

Astoria positioned herself at the centre, her booming voice commanding attention. "Listen up, everyone! Today, we'll focus on basic drills to assess your skills. We'll work on teamwork, manoeuvring, and, of course, some strategic plays. Rosie, since you're new, I want you to partner with Dagworth and Larson for the initial drills since you're all Chasers. Let's see how well you work together."

Rosie nodded, glancing at Constance, who grinned in response. A blonde haired boy approached them with a wide grin on his face.

"Hello, I'm Andrew." The boy said, extending a hand.

"I'm Rosie." She smiled back, shaking his hand firmly.

Andrew smirked. "I know."

The team dispersed to their positions on the field before Rosie had a moment to process what Andrew meant when he said he already knew her, and Astoria began the first set of drills. The rain-soaked pitch added an extra bit of challenge, but it also heightened the thrill of Rosie's return to flying.

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