Chapter 57

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Sebastian had told Rosie to sleep, and while she did try to comply with his request, she knew it was a waste of time.

She tossed and turned and sent messages to Sebastian that went unanswered and that filled her with a sense of dread that the worst had happened.

So once the sun was up, she was up, making herself the strongest coffee she could with the bare essentials provided in the room. Her coffee was bland, bitter and disappointing and she tried to wash away the ache in her weary eyes with a shower, but the water did little to soothe her troubled mind.

So she dressed quickly, doing nothing more than throwing on regular clothes and tossing her hair into a ponytail and heading out to the buffet breakfast to try and snag something on the go.

"You're up early, Rosie!"


"Yeah, got somewhere to be." Rosie said, opting for a single piece of dry toast before turning to draw her attention to him. "You haven't seen Liam around have you?"

Lucas nodded, "Oh, yeah! He was here a few minutes before you, should be back soon– ah! There he is!"

"Rosie! Glad to see you made it back. You didn't follow us last night and we missed you and Sebastian at dinner. Everything okay?" Liam asked, noticing how awful Rosie looked after her distinct lack of sleep and general non-chalantness about her appearance that morning.

"No, actually. Sebastian's in hospital." Rosie explained gently.

Liam's expression shifted from casual to pure concern in an instant. "What? Hospital? What happened?"

Rosie took a deep breath, trying to compose herself and not burst into tears in front of her new colleagues. "He was cursed yesterday, during the fight. He hid it well, but it's not good. I took him to St Mungo's last night."

"All the way back to London?" Liam asked, eyes wide.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I know I didn't tell you but I just wanted him to be safe and–"

"Rosie, it's okay." Liam said, placing both his hands on her shoulders. "Look, I know you're together. It's kind of very obvious and Sebastian signed an agreement about the pre-exisiting relationship when he convinced us to bring you here. Go. Be with him. We're tying up the loose ends here, so go. I'll set you up with a portkey to get you back to London quickly and can come back when you're ready. We'll take care of things here for now."

Rosie's eyes brimmed with tears. "Thank you, Liam. Thank you so much."

He nodded with a smile and managed to secure Rosie a Portkey and she was back in London just before the 8am visiting hours began.

She sat patiently at the entrance of the hospital, staring at the clock on the wall, counting down the minutes until she could approach the desk and ask to go up and see Sebastian, but to her shock, the Welcome Witch waved her over and called her up a few minutes before.

"Hello, sweetheart. Go straight up. I'm sure it's been a very long night for you." The welcome witch said with a sympathetic smile.

Rosie nodded, "Thank you," she whispered.

With shaky steps, she made her way down the long hall, approaching the room she'd become regretfully acquainted with the day before and knocked softly before she pushed the door open.

Sebastian mustn't had heard her knock as his head lulled to the side in slumber, mouth open and still looking just as pale as the day before.

At least, she hoped he was still in slumber.

She quickly reached his side and pressed a finger to his throat, waiting for a pulse when his hand reached up beside her and grabbed her wrist.

"I'm alive." Sebastian said, his voice hoarse as he opened his eyes and flicked Rosie a smirk, though it was a very weary one.

Tempest // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now