Spar (chapter 2)

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You stood at your door and opened it , not expecting to see the tall masked man who many feared. He stood wearing a black shirt and black cargos , his sleeves rolled up as it had shown his sleeve of skull tattoos. His dark brown eyes scanned over you as his gaze was hard , his height looming over you as you were shorter than him. His arms were crossed over his chest and he looked un-pleased but that was never new with him. You stood and tilted your head to the side confused for a moment.

''Is there an issue sir?..''
You asked quietly as you were confused by his abrupt show up , growing tense at his presence which doesn't go unnoticed by him. Ghosts eyes narrowed for a moment as he kept a hard look.
'' i expect you to be in the training room in ten sergeant , training session and dont be bloody fucking late unless you feel like running until i say you can stop.''
He warned before leaving without another word.
You watched as he walked down the hallway and you sighed and followed behind him. The silence was thick as you walked behind him , the only sound being heard was the sound of your boots hitting the waxed and smooth tiled floor.

You walked and followed him into the training room , it was fairly big. Other soldiers from different units stood working out and training as they did so and you even saw soap and gaz working out as well and Price was at the moment filling out paperwork as he always did. Nobody really paid attention to Ghosts or your presence as they were all caught up in their own workouts and such and doing their own thing as they didn't have time to really worry about their higher ups. Everyone there was just there to workout and train. Ghost grabbed a mat and placed it in the middle of the gym and he stood in the middle of the mat and waited for you to join.

The smell of sweat , rubber and metal filled your noise causing your nose to twitch a bit as the smell was quite unpleasant and the humidity did not help with the stench either. You watched as your lieutenant got ready and he eyed you as he still waited. You walked up to the mat and stood and you looked at him for a moment as you fiddled a little with the pockets of your cargo pants. You noticed soap looked up in the distance and waved to you and you gave a small low unsure wave and you sighed and looked at ghost.
'' we will be sparring , hand me my ass and it'll be a miracle.''
Ghost mused and you just looked at him with an unimpressed look.
'' ever quit being a prick and it'll be a miracle...''
You muttered and ghost smirked beneath the mask.You could tell he enjoyed it.
'' You're quite mouthy aren't ya ? had not spoken much in the past few months but now you have a voice huh?'' he taunted as he got into position to get ready to spar.

You did the same as well as you weren't in the mood for banter , especially from ghost. Ghost was already standing on the opposite side, staring you down with a serious expression in his eyes as he got ready. Ghost is much taller than you, along with having a much larger build doesn't waste any time, launching himself at you with a brutal punch. You manage to dodge it, but just barely. You try to launch an attack of your own, but Ghost is too fast. He slips out of the way with ease, then delivers a quick combination of punches that leave you reeling. You manage to block most of the blows, but some of them get through and you can feel the pain shooting through your body.

He used his leg and managed to kick you off your feet and such and you quickly rolled and stood up before he could try and pin you and You do your best to block his inc Ming attacks , but some of them get through and you can feel the damage adding you stood up  Ghost launches a powerful kick to your ribs but you mated to grab his leg and push him away.
you launch a furious counter-attack, letting loose with a flurry of punches and kicks that take Ghost by surprise. You can see the smirk plastered  on his face beneath the mask as he tries to regain his composure.As the sparring match got heated some of the others in the training room stopped what they were doing to watch and see what would happen during this match.

The two of you trade blow for blow in a brutal dance of violence, neither of you giving an inch. You can feel the sweat dripping down your face, your chest heaving with each breath.For a few moments, it seems like the fight could go on forever, neither of you willing to give in. But then Ghost sees his opportunity and launches a devastating kick that catches you flush in the face. You stumble backwards, blood streaming from your nose. A few gasps could be heard along with a few winces , others laughed and shocked their heads as they continued what they were doing. Soap and Gaz watched from afar and they shook their heads and watched with a sort of amazement and shock.
'' The lass is doin better than yesterday.''
Soap said quietly and gaz agreed as they watched.

As you lie on the mat as you were knocked back from the blow ,  gasping for breath, Ghost stands over you, an amused look in his eyes. You feel your body tremble a bit  as you struggle to get up, but Ghost's foot is planted firmly on your chest, holding you down.He leans down to speak to you, his voice low and menacing. "You did well, but you still have a lot to learn," he says. "I'll be watching you, so don't disappoint me."

With that, he turns and walks away, leaving you lying on the mat alone as the crowd around you in the training room watches. You lie there for a few moments, catching your breath and recovering from the intense ordeal. Gradually, the pain and fatigue creep back in, and you realize just how much damage you've taken during the fight. You feel a cold sweat breaking out all over your body, and the blood from your nose is still dripping down your face.

Slowly, you manage to get back on your feet, the pain evident. Soap and Gaz rushed over and you held out your hand as if to tell them to stop and you caught yourself as you recovered from the blow. You definitely were going to have a bruise. "Shit that doesn't look too good."
Gaz said quietly as he saw the blood and the slight swelling in your face. You sighed and stood quiet for a moment.
"It's fine..i'm fine."
Your tone is hushed and quiet.
"You should get some ice from the medic if you need that's definitely going to hurt later y'know." Soap advised and you nodded.
"You did better than yesterday though , your doing great..even if you got ass kicked by that large bastard."
Soap patted your shoulder and you sighed.

It was a bitter taste that was left in your mouth for you hoped for a better fight than to sit and want to shout.

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