Flights (chapter 31)

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A/n- realistically TSA does not allow concealed carry onto planes and whatnot in baggage but yet again my writing smokes mad crack so enjoy the chapter

After your entry into the car you looked at the interior , Seeing the black leather seats and the slightly tinted windows. It was sleek and clean with the scent of mint lingering in the air. The air conditioning was low and breezy , leaving a comfortable spot in the car. as you waited for ghost he shut the trunk and sat in the car as well.
Sliding in next to you and as you looked up at him you grew a bit wide eyed as you saw he had taken off his mask. You looked him over seeing his pale skin , his soft pink lips , the scar that lied over his lips as well as the slight stubble on his face. He had light dirty blonde hair as well as dark brown eyes. You felt your eyes lingering for a bit too long again and you looked down and cleared your throat trying to cover it up and ghost smirked slightly seeing your reaction.

You couldn't lie , he was good looking.

The driver on the other hand looked at you both through the mirror and he got ready and started to drive off.
"Airport correct?"
He driver looked for confirmation.
You spoke up and kept quiet looking out the window as you tried to not think about Simon.
He gave you a small nudge and you kept quiet.
"Like what you see eh?"
He whispered to you as he leaned down a bit and you turned shooting him a glare as you always did.
"Oh piss off...your not ugly I get it. Now quit looking at me like some homless begger on the street."
You grumbled , your tone flat as you tried not to show how flustered you actually were at the moment.
"Seems like something you'd say eh? Thinking I look like a homeless begger? Low blow."
He teased quietly and you huffed. Keeping your eyes on looking out the window as you now both were driven off base for good.


About an hour passed and you both sat in silence as you both had finally reached your destination at the airport.
"Well y'all are here , enjoy your trip."
The driver spoke up gently and you gave a small nod.
"Thank you."
You spoke before tapping Simon to get out of the car , which he did so. You slid out of the car , looking it in front of you seeing the large airport ahead. There were many people standing around , walking in and out of the airport and you kept quiet as Simon grabbed the duffel bags from the trunk an slung his over his shoulder and handed yours to you. You grabbed yours and did the same and you kept tense and alert , looking around as there were many people.
"Relax , we're getting through security and that it's , then we can head to our gate and catch the plane."
He reassures you and you sighed.
"We legit look like we're about sell drugs to people."
You looked up at him as you both enetered into the airport.
"Must be the good stuff then."
He joked a bit.
"Ever been on a plane?"
He asked.
"Same shit as a damn heli , just minus the extra turbulence. Just hoping we don't knock down any buildings while we're at it , or else shits gonna sink and kill us.reminds me a bit of the Rich assholes who paid to see the titanic ."
You spoke.
"And people thought my jokes were bad.."
He mumbled.
"They are."
You retorted and he shrugged.
"Your humor ain't the best either. Shits as bad as getting Fire guard."
He huffed as he looked around , seeing all the people bustling around.

"Watch for people.."
You warned and he kept quiet as you walked through the airport going up to the security line where many TSA lied walking around. You stepped onto the line to where they held an empty walkway that had a black German shepherd on post , wearing a vest that said 'do not pet , working dog'. Your eyes narrowed as you saw the TSA Guide people one by one down the aisle , making sure the dog sniffed and smelled for any drugs or anything out of the ordinary. You knew these dogs were drug and bomb sniffers. They were detectors as machines could only find objects , not many Detected substances as well as animals did since there senses were much stronger than humans.

"Why worry , we have nothing on us."
Simon looked down at you , keeping his tone low to only where you could hear.
You glared at him and he sighed.
"Dog won't sniff that , ain't equipped enough to do so."
He sighed.
"You being a bit paranoid."
He added.
"I'm not I'm being cautious and aware. Take a lesson and learn from it. We're in public honey."
You sassed him a little at the end there and he held a small smirk on his face. Some people turning and looking at Simon , almost checking him out in a way. As the line moved it was now your turned to go through the line and get checked.

"Maam , walking straight and don't mind the dog. Head to the end this is normal procedure."
The security spoke up to you and you nodded looking at ghost before walking down , feeling a a bit on edge as you walked slowly , the dog sniffing around you as you did so. You made your way to the end of the line, where the security officer directed you to go through the scanner. As you stepped into the scanner, the dog sniffed around your legs and body again, moving back and forth checking for any suspicious items. You kept your face impassive, trying to act confident and relaxed even though you felt your heart rate elevate.

Once the dog had finished its search, the security officer smiled at you and waved you through. You walked out of the area, feeling a mix of relief and unease. It was clear that Simon was right , you were being a bit paranoid. But at the same time, you couldn't help feeling like there was something off about the whole situation. Simon followed as well behind you slipping next to you as you went to baggage security and set your bags down near one of the workers as you did so Simon pulled out the permits and papers for the weapons and he looked at the TSA agent.
"Everything's registered , ID is here as well."
He took out his fake id and handed it to the agent.
"Sir weapons aren't allowed without concealed carry and a lock.."
He tsa agent eyed you down as well as him.
"Everything is there and locked."
You informed as well and the agent looked over the IDS as he grew a bit suspicious but didn't suspect a thing as he let you all through.
"Everything is all set..enjoy your flight.."
He muttered as he handed you both your IDS back and you looked at Simon giving him a nod.

You were in.

As new heights would occur yet none would be here momentarily, for it would only give a sense of familiarity.

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