Pushing paths (chapter 34)

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A/n-chapter 35 has me in a choke hold but enjoy this ✨

You both walked out of your hotel room and down the nicely lit hallway. The carpet flooring masking the sound of both of your footsteps and the quietness palpable. You came up to the elevator and You pressed the button waiting for the elevators arrival and you both stepped in , seeing no one was in there and you kept quiet as the elevator brought you down slowly to the lobby. You stepped out of the elevator and made your way through the crowded hotel lobby towards the casino as most people were getting ready to head to it as well.

"We split up , I'll see if I can find him and lure him in , keep way of any of banamos security and watch my back."
You spoke quietly to him and he nodded , keeping his hand on the small of your back.
As you went to the casino the bouncer in front I'd you both making sure you were both of age , the fake IDS clearly being made well and they worked perfectly. As you entered the bustling space, the cacophony of noise overwhelmed your senses. The blaring music, the spinning wheels of the slot machines, and the shouting of the players. You were used to loud noises yet it made you a bit more alert as you couldn't focus on one sound around you but you could manage that as well as you knew how it went. Usually on the field you'd all be yelling commands and such at each other while being under fire so this was a breeze a bit.

You looked around walking away from ghost as you both now split up and you stood around seeing other men in suits , gambling away and getting there money snatched from them. Others were playing poker while others played at the black Jack table. You looked around passing by other men and women and you kept quiet as you made your way over to the bar , looking at the bar tender who wore a suit an tie as well , shaking up another's drink. As you walked over and sat down on one of the bar stools , keeping quiet as you looked around.
"What can I get for a pretty girl like you?"
The bar tender smirked and you put on a fake smile , feeling tense yet showing a seductive smile.
"Ice on the rocks."
You asked gently looking away as you waited for your order.

"Didn't know you drank."
That fimiliar British voice came through your ear piece.
"I don't , just looking the part and blending in."
You muttered quietly answering back , smiling as the bar tender handed you your drink. You took the twenty you had in your heel and you handed it to the tender telling him to keep the change and you Swirled around your drink that consisted of only ice and vodka and you took a small sipped , that spicy feeling running down your throat as you drank. You felt a bit uncomfortable drinking but you figured you do so to blend in well. You kept out on the lookout , looking through the crowds of men and women and you sat about waiting.
"Look out for a man in a buzz cut , green eyes and brown eyebrows , is well built and has two men following him. Black and red suit coming to you on your right, keep peeled."
Simon announced through comms and you did so looking to your right as you saw the man on the distance looking around. You squinted a bit , seeing he had a usb attached to his pants and you let off a confused 'huh?'.
"He's has a usb in him.."
You whispered into comms as you picked up your drink , the ice clinking in your glass as you stood up and waited.
"Snag that , don't get caught and after we get out of here and get back to laswell as quick as possible before we plug it in and see what's on it."
Simon alone up and you kept quiet as you kept focused.

Time went by and after a bit you were getting agitated but it was all until he eventually started to make his way over to you , coming over to ith a smug look and you kept quiet acting as if you didn't know he was coming towards you.
"Can I offer you a drink hun."
The man's voice was smooth , his German accent deep and prominent as he spoke.
You turned to him and gave him a small smile and sat down at the bar as he did as well , his men next to him keeping gaurd.
"What ever floats your boat."
You put on a fake Russian accent and he grinned.
"Bar tender , two shots."
He announced and the bar tender nodded.
"What's a pretty woman doing here up in a casino alone?"
Banamo added and you leaned in gently.
"Wondering if I'll catch a cash grab. You?"
You replied.
"Nothing , merely buisness but I'm here for more of an enjoyable time."
He says smugly as he put his hand on your thigh , making you uncomfortable and panic a bit internally but you kept your cool.

"What does a young woman like you do for business?"
He questioned.
"..i was a doctor but soon quit as I live with my husband in Moscow.."
You played it off confidently as you stood up , he stood up as well grabbing his shot as well as you did too and you drank.
"Husband eh? Is he as good looking as me?"
Banamo smiled.
"Indeed , being here at the casino with him is one thing. Left me to have some me time."
You explained and he nodded.
"You know it would be a shame...yknow we could sneak off and have some fun. A pretty girl like you shouldn't go to waste."
He smirked and ran his hand further up your thigh and under your dress and you grew tense but didn't let it show.

His comment disgusted you, it was men like him that made you fearful but it also made your blood boil. He was one of the men that only saw womnen as an object and even after you said you have a 'husband' he still insisted.

"I would rather not—"
You were cut off as you were bumped into someone and you spilled your drink onto him , only to think quickly and moved foward and snag the usb be , sneakfully taking it and slipping it under your dress swiftly into your thigh holster strap
To hold it in place.
"Oh my I apologize for that , these hogs are unaware."
You spoke quickly as you handed him a napkin.
"It's okay liebe you can make up for it"
He replied seductively as he grabbed you and you and forcefully sat you in his lap and you pushed yourself off him but he grabbed you back.
"Where do you Think your going?"
He tried kissing up your neck.
"Let go of me."
You snapped and glared as you pushed him harshly before backing up into someone again and looking up to it was Simon looming over you.
Simon glared at the banamo , his eyes staring him down like daggers.

"Let go of her."
His thick Manchester accent came out as he gently pushed you behind him more which banamo wasn't a fan of an he stood up , his gaurds follwing in suit and he glared at him.
"What you gonna do about it-"
Before banamo could even finish his sentence Simon socked him in the face causing the man to stumble back , the dark red crimson  now running from his nose as his gaurds caught him , glaring down Simon as they stepped foward and Simon's hand made it around your arm gently and he dragged you out , pushing past people and back into the now empty lobby.

Ones protectiveness got in the way get information was held which made a pathway. You kept confused , alert and uncomfortable yet one helped lead you out to be most vulnerable yet in those moments you were safe and now comfortable.

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