Close hearts (chapter 35)

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A/n- YALLLLLLL IM BITING MY ENCLOSURE RIGHT NOW— slightly suggestive but not smut and as much as Simon isn't in character I enjoy soft and protective Simon so much , enjoy kiddies.

As Simon dragged you out of the casino and into a empty hallway lobby and down back to the elevator he pushed you into the elevator and you pulled away from him and glared at him.
"What the fuck was that? You wanna blow over the mission?"
You snapped and he looked down at you , his gaze softening.
"Went to far , I saw you already snagged what you needed but that was too fuckin close to
He says firmly as he dragged you out of the elevator and down the hallway to your shared hotel room.
"He was making you uncomfortable, tired of men treating you like shit alright. I'm done.."
His vice was harsh and firm at first but he trailed off as he gently pushed you further into the room. Closing the door as he gently walked over and cupped your cheeks as he pushed you up agsint the wall.

You tensed up and your breathe hitched in your throat but as his warm hands cupped your cheeks you leaned in a bit feeling a bit safer , your back was agaisnt the wall and your body was caged in by his musclar body. His gaze was soft as well as his touch and as your breath hitched he leaned in but looked at you.
"May I?"
He asked and you were hesitant but gave a nod and he leaned in , his soft jet slightly chapped lips touching yours , the gap between you two closing as you did so , his lips smearing your lipstick across your face a bit.

It felt so surreal as he lips made there way to yours. This was a new feeling , ones you were afraid of but one you couldn't deny no longer as you knew it was true. You were in love. As stupid as it sounded to you it was true. These subtle glances , the protectiveness from him. It was all for a reason and it wasn't just because he was your comrade and wanted to keep you safe. It was because he loved you.

As bad as he had it as well he tried to not let that effect him personally. He's was abused as well , he had truamas as well as you did but you calmed him. That night you both slept together it was calming for both you and him. It was the first moment of peace he had in his life for the first time as well as you did. It was a first for the both of you and You leaned in as he pressed foward and you wrapped his legs around him as he was pressed between your legs , his Suit slightly getting ruffled as well as your dress rolled up your legs a bit up to your torso:
As you leaned into him he placed his hands under your butt , carrying you to the bedroom and throwing you on your back , the plush sheets fluffing around you as the bed dipped as he  was now hovering over you. His knee between your legs as he dipped down and pressed his lips agsint your again more passionately and deeply , his hands trailing along your body as his lips trailed down to your jaw and to your neck.

He grunted and moaned as well as You let off a small moan as your breath grew deeper and more shallow as you grew aroused but you placed your hands on his chest and trailed up , letting your hands cup his cheeks.
"Simon as much as I love you...we can't do this. Your still my lieutenant and we're both on a mission..."
You spoke up softly and he looked down at you , his gaze  loving and a big far cry from the usual stoic and dark an broody man he was.
"I...feel the same...been like that for a bit. I know you've been through things...I have too but...your right. We need to do this mission."
He muttered as he pulled himself off you and helped you up gently , letting you sit comfortably in the bed and he took his thumb and gently wiped your lip as he had smeared your lipstick.

He wouldn't make your mascara run , he'd smear your lipstick.

You sat up and looked at him , feeling a bit off as it felt wrong but so right. You sighed and looked at him before rolling your dress more over your legs.
"What are we now? You talked about the whole no relationships and shit.."
You brought up again and he smirked.
"Never said I wouldn't break the rule. We can be what you want it to be but we keep it hidden. But at the end of the day your mine."
He looked at you and you gave a small nod.
"Then I guess we're....a thing now."
You mumbled quietly and he he chuckled before showing the USB he had taken from your thigh hoslter and you smirked at him.
"Sly Brit.."
You spoke as you watched him pull out a laptop from his duffel bag. You didn't see what he had packed but you didn't know that he had a laptop on his bag but it wasn't very shocking. You knew he would be prepared.
"Lights souls."
He smirked as he pressed a small kiss to your forehead , leaving you a bit dumbfounded.

For one held new meaning and had new words, all that lied was code of curds.

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