Chill (chapter 4)

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A/n- short ass chapter but bear with me for a moment as the poetic rizzler is tryna Figure shit out since wattpad is glitching an whatnot 😭

You walked next to soap keeping at a decent pace as you walked down the hallway as you made your way to chow hall. Soap kept quiet as he walked with you as he knew you sometimes just didn't want to talk and found it just comfortable to sit in silence and let the silence fill the void. The air was smooth , not too cold or hot but right in the middle. You thought about how ghost had left you they're at the training room by yourself , no help or nothing. You understood it was the military and you needed to be tough and such but to get you ass beaten and injured by your higher up in a training session was bull to you as you thought he could've at least helped you up or something instead of leaving you but you were independent.

Independence was your friend and you've helped yourself for awhile and you never really cared to ask for help since you knew you could do it on your own and that you learned to not rely on others for certain things as you mostly had to fend and help yourself throughout your life. As you neared chow hall you saw ghost in the distance , he was looking at you with a hard look as he saw you with soap. you felt yourself grow more aware and alert as you became more aware of your surroundings and seeing that there were many soldiers around in the chow hall eating and doing there own thing and the fact that ghost was near as well. You wondered if he was thinking about earlier or something but The closer you got the more the voices grew as you heard people chatting and talking , the noise of spoons against trays and the smell of school grade lunch.

What a lovely day.

It was like every other day in chow. As you walked into chow with soap you got stares from other soldiers within your presence and you watched as some averted their gazes and minded their own business as they ate. As you walk into the chow hall, your mind is filled with anticipation. You've been looking forward to this moment all day. You scan the crowded room with tired eyes. You grabbed a tray of food that consisted of a vegetable , carb and meat along with soap which did the same as you and You slid into the empty seat beside him as you both found a table and began to unload your tray.

You stand quiet as you dig into your meal and Despite being on a military base, the chow hall serves as a place to energize and get food and to socialize amongst one another.Soap notes your quietness and decides to talk a little.
"How's the food?"
He asked as You settled into your meal, enjoying the company in silence but it was broken by soap question. You shrugged in answer to him and you pushed your food around on your plate as you weren't really interested in eating what they had served. Soap starts up the conversation more as he was asking about your meal, but you give short, one-word answers.
Soap seems to understand your reserved nature, though, and doesn't try to push you out of your comfort zone.

Midway through the meal, you begin to loosen up slightly. Soap's friendly presence puts you at ease a little but you still stood alert as you didn't trust the others that lurked around and it was bad enough of what happened earlier in training but the way ghost had looked at you before made you alert , you didn't know his intentions and in your mind it didn't feel like they were good.
Soap noticed how you stared at your tray and he figured that you just wanted to keep to yourself mostly for today as you didn't converse much.
You ate a little bit of your food as you didn't have much of an appetite so you set down your spoon and just stared at your tray. Soap knew something was going on in your head but he didn't want to mention anything about it as he knew it was probably personal.

As you finish up your lunch in chow hall, you let off a breathy sigh.You had been through a long morning of training exercises and the whole training session with ghost in the afternoon was not ideal either an you were looking forward to a break before your next assignment. You pushed your plate away and stood up, feeling a little stiff from sitting on the hard, plastic bench for so long and you looked at soap and stood eating still and he looked up at you and tilted his head.
"Where are you goin lass? Ya barely ate"
He asked in a confused tone and you sighed.
That sigh was enough for him to know where you were going so as you made your way towards the exit, soap stood quiet.

"I'm not hungry"
Is all you said As you began to walk you stopped when you heard a commotion coming from one of the tables. It sounded like someone was arguing with their tablemates, and you could see that a few people were starting to get angry. Two males , one with red hair and the other with brown and then Suddenly, one of the soldiers stood up and shouted at someone across the room, and the tension in the cafeteria increased as you walked out and minded your own peas and Q's . You walked out , not wanting to be near anyone. You looked around as you looked to see if you'd spot ghost again but nothing lied lurking around. It was just you in silence.

Your nerves didn't calm and your thoughts ran but your look consisted of deadpan. For the ghost that lurked stood in the shadows for he too had his own battles.

Deep Thoughts (ghost x female reader) Where stories live. Discover now