Night talks (chapter 20)

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A/n- short chapter but enjoy !

You got out of the shower , turning off the water letting the water at your feet run down the drain. You stepped out and shivered from the cool
Air and you grabbed the towel that you had hanging up on the back of the bathroom door and you wrapped yourself around in it covering your body. You looked in the mirror at yourself seeing the light scars that littered your body: you
Didn't mind seeing them at times but other times you wished they were never there. It was a love hate relationship with them but at the end of the day your wounds healed. Like all health and like many things , with time it will heal.

As you stood drying off getting ready to get dressed and hit the bed , ghost on the other hand stood in his room thinking about you. He stood sitting on the edge of his bed in only his mask , sweatpants and a shirt. He stood thinking about you on how you were acting when you were at the safe house. He thought about how you were panicked that time he had checked in with you.
He knew there was something going on in your mind and he knew it wasn't going to leave. He didn't understand these growing feelings for you , a feeling of a need to keep you safe and protected. He didn't know why , he was in denial about it. Ghosts had a harsh life as well and he can relate to you in a way even if he doesn't know what went on in your life , all he knows is that you're like him. Broken and lost.

Another thing was you and soap. He didn't want soap near you , he didn't want soap to even talk to you sometimes and recently he was starting to show that greatly. He couldn't deny but he's feeled for you after a month in , he was growing attached every day and it made him a bit fearful , so he distance himself and either made your day a living hell or kept quiet. Most of the time it was a living hell but he lightened up with it.He sighed as he stood up decided he'd go check in on you. Usually he wasn't one to meddle in others problems or buisness but with you it was different.

As you stood in your room on the edge of your bed sitting in silence you heard a subtle knock on your door. It was firm yet gently and it startled you and you grabbed the knife tht you often kept on you from under your pillow and you placed it in your pants pocket as you stood up. There was a knock again and soon you heard a deep familiar voice call out.
"L/n it's have a minute?"
He said from behind the door as he waited for you to open it. As you heard his voice you swiftly made your way to the door to see him wearing his casual attire. You kept quiet and you watched as his eyes scanned over you as he was observing you and your body language.

"You alright?..."
He quietly asked as he looked you over seeing that you kept your hand in your pocket , only assuming that you were still in fight or flight. He knew you had your pocket knife on you , you always had a knife on you regardless of the situation. You never not had one without you.
"I'm fine.."
You grumbled and he shook his head.
"You know you can talk to me correct?"
He got closer to you.
"Ghost I'm fine."
You raised your voice a bit.
"I know...I know.."
He sighed as he was starting to back down a bit.
"I just wanted to check on seem tired and a bit distressed..."
He mumbled and you sighed.
"You were never concerned once unless you were a dick , which you somehow apologized for but now your being weird asking me if I need someone to talk to?"
You tried summing everything up as it confused you and ghost shook his head.
"Just gets some rest l/n , I'll knock on your door in the morning so we can go to the briefing and get updates."
He muttered before heading off back to his room.
You watched as he walked off and you headed back into your room locking the door and you sat back in bed. Before ghost went back to his room he looked at your door.
"Good night l/n..."
He whispered almost to himself before stepping back into his room.

Night lurked while day awaited for feelings are saturated and frustrated. One was dedicated and others were acquainted for there was more than one that was underestimated.

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