Morning calls (Chapter 27)

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It was now morning time.

It was currently about 4:30 in the morning , some up while most rested. You turned a bit , opening your eyes slowly as you stretched a bit trying to allow your body to wake up. You turned and saw ghost looking at you , his eyes opened slightly , half lidded as he looked over you seeing that you woke up. You were both still in each other's embrace , his body warm and comforting.
"morning ,"
Ghost whispered , his voice deep and sensual as he pulled you closer to him. You snuggled into his chest, the warmth of his body comforting you as the silence of the early morning enveloped you.

As You took a deep breath and snuggled into his chest a bit more ,  breathing in the scent of his skin and the soft fabric of his clothes. Ghost's heartbeat slowed down as he relaxed further, and you closed your eyes, letting the quiet of the early morning soothe your senses. You could feel Ghost's arm lightly wrapped around you, holding you close. The silence was broken only by the faint sound of other soldiers waking up to do PT.
This felt so surreal but you couldn't brush it off. In one night you went from panicked to being as calm as possible. As much as you didn't want to admit anything but you truly did love this feeling. It felt so right yet so wrong at the same time and you knew that if anyone found out about this you could be in for a rude awakening but you didn't mind that at the moment because the only thing you were focused on was ghost.

"For someone's who so tough seems like the biggest softy in the world."
Ghost chuckled lightly as he watched as you suddenly sat up , intently listening towards the door as you thought you heard more footsteps.
"Rich coming from the man who sleeps in a mask."
You countered and he huffed.
He replied as you swung your legs over the edge of the bed , pulling yourself out of his warm embrace only to feel the cold of the room.
"It's only 4:30 , still got a bit time."
He explained and you sighed to yourself.
"I leave questions because we get caught and I'm not gonna be the one as to how to explain why I'm in my lieutenants room at the crack of ass."
You muttered.

Ghost nodded in agreement, knowing that you were right about the time. He also understood the need to avoid any unnecessary attention  especially when you were both breaking the rules.
"I uhm..thank you though.."
You mumbled and he gave a curt nod as he got up out of bed as well and you stretched a bit.
"One man doesn't say much word yet his body speaks more than he'll ever speak."
You spoke up and ghost cocked an eyebrow at you but kept silent as he observed and watched as you neared his door. Opening it a crack to see if the cost was clear.
"Also , meeting today about the mission again , we got a lead... but wait"
He added and you looked at him.
"Call me Simon...when it's just me Simon."
He muttered and your eyes widned a bit but you gave a nod and With that, you nodded again and  stepped out into the dimly lit hallway , closing the door behind you. Ghost watched as you walked away, feeling a tinge of confusion. He knew that this was only a temporary parting and that you would be back soon but Still, the thought of not being able to hold you in his arms for even a little while longer made him feel off.

This was more then just some seeking simple reassurance but it was in fact something that he never thought about, something that he never thought he needed.
He mumbled to himself before signing as he started to strip and get into his usual wear of the day. As for you , you stood making it to your quarters quickly , shutting the door behind you.
You quickly then did your routine , showering , brushing your teeth and then getting ready. Putting on your cargos and shirt You felt off now , it felt so right in the moment when you were with him but now it felt wrong even if it felt so right.

You slept with your lieutenant , not in a sexual way but you shared bunks but still. If word gets out or if anyone finds out your both done for. Either you both get court martialed or you both get put on dishonorable discharge. It made things more difficult but you tried to push that thought out of your mind as you finished tying your boots. But another thing that crossed your mind was that he told you his name. He never tells anyone his name and that's the most private thing about him yet he told you. You didn't understand the trust between the both of you but you knew it was leading somehwere. You looked towards your bed and you picked up your pocket knife that you had also had with you last night and you sighed before leaving out your room , closing the door behind you an you stepped into the hallway and decided before you headed to chow when everyone woke up you thought you'd head to the training room to get a workout in before grabbing something from chow quickly and heading to the meeting. As you walked you soon saw soap yet as you looked at him you saw he had a look of displeasure on his face but when he saw you he perked up a bit and walked over , walking beside you.

He muttered and you looked at him giving a small nod.
You sighed and he looked at you before coming to a halt.
"I need to talk with you.."
He started and you tensed up hoping he didn't see you walk out ealired of ghosts room.
"I wanted to ask you this...yknow I really like you and you've been on the team for awhile and you seem like a grouch but I wanted to know if you wanted to...dunno go to chow or something? Maybe if you had leave we could chill outside of work?"
He asked hesitantly and you had a small look of confusion.

You weren't confused because you knew he had some sort of liking to you but you were confused as it was all so sudden. You stood a bit off stances and you sighed looking at him:
You started off with his name which surprised him and you shook your head.
"We're nothing more than co workers , comrades. That's it. I don't do the whole thing alright. You'll find someone for you though."
You mumbled before walking off , wanting to avoid the whole ordeal in itself , walking away from a very obviously hurt soap. He stood there quiet , his gaze lowered and he sighed rubbing the back of his neck before turning on his heel and walking back to his room keeping shut.

As some cacti were prickly yet some grew flowers as for more light shined through the dark hours.

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