Desperate measures (chapter 11)

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a/n- short chapter , i'm tryna get on my writing game again as the poetic rizzler is dealing with some things but enjoy!.

The ring in your ears is so loud that you can hardly hear yourself think as you saw ghost try and shake you awake.Dazed and disoriented, you reach up to rub your temples unsure of what's happening as all you know is that your body is aching from head to toe, as if you've just been blasted by a grenade but all that was happen was your quick thinking as you threw you and ghost into the ditch to avoid actually getting blown to pieces.

"Soul , soul can you hear ? We gotta move."
Ghost says firmly as he helped you up seeing that you were still a bit rocky after the fall. He noticed the cut on your cheek as he helped you up but he didn't say anything as he helped you to your feet. His large hands coming under your arms to pick you up to get you onto your feet steadily.
You shook yourself off a bit before fixing your rifle and trudin along again. You saw bits and pieces of flesh out in front of you as you walked through the snow , some tree covered in blood and the snow dark red in some spots,  More spots than others but all you felt was that you had to get out of there.
"Your fucking crazy you know that ? Laswell even told you no fucking crazy shit and you do just the opposite of that."
Ghost growled.
"I'm sorry detective dick would you have rather us get fucking shot to death? Yknow we could've met the jesus early but I saved our asses so keep moving"
You shot a small glare at him and he sighed.
"The mission is compromised and now we're stuck out here in this frozen mess."
The Brit grumbled as he looked on a small device as he followed the ping to where the safe house would be.

You shook your head and you rolled your shoulders as you looked around rushing away from the mission site. Your body ached and your thoughts ran again. This was the most you've spoken out on a mission but you were both in a difficult position to where you were stressing out internally. You've never compromised the mission and this time you didn't as well as it was a more tighter situation but the gaurds lying around were so compact that it made it harder to get the target and intel. You fixed your mask and you kept quiet for the time being as you just wanted to sit with your thoughts for a moment.
"About a few miles till arrival."
Ghost informed and you nodded but kept quiet.

You tried to conjure a plan , something that could potentially help the situation regardless of the circumstances you were In. You read the code that had been on the box and the first three numbers indicated where it was shipping out to which was actually going towards Iraq.
You looked at him , seeing his eyes that looked ahead of him keeping focused as you both headed out to your destination. Ghost eyed you and kept quiet but you nudged him.
"Those weapons aren't going to the original spot it's going out to Iraq , not china."
You explained and he titled his head.
"The code , first few digits is the spot it's going. It's not out in china it's going to Iraq they knew we were coming and they swapped the fucking missiles."
You realize the severity of the problem now and you stared off for a moment before hearing ghost speak.

"We tell Laswell and the others as soon as we get comms back , not bad kid. Not bad at all."
He trailed off with the last few words as if he didn't want you to hear it which to his case he didn't. You heard what he had said but you didn't bother with it and you just kept moving along. As you walked you thought about your life again and you sighed. Life was hard but you also thought about why you joined , you joined because of what you went through and to get out of foster care but most of all when you grew out of the system you were homeless as you couldn't really do much for yourself so you decided to just join the military and a few years later your now in task force 141.

you spent the rest of the next hour walking through the snow , cold , a bit tattered but nonetheless alive as you had finally were less distraught and more aware and you both walked you soon came across the safe house. It was an old , one floored house that looked like something of a shed and it was covered in snow, dirt and grime. It looks like it has sat out there for awhile maybe even a few years and doesn't look touched whatsoever as if its never had contact with any sort of life at all. you looked at ghost and raised your rifle not knowing if it was truly safe or not and ghost followed in suit.
'' NO fucking crazy shit alright  , quiet , simple and easy check.''
ghost says firmly and quietly and you glared and sighed.
'' my fucking crazy shit saved your ass now respefcully shut the fuck up and keep moving lieiutant''
you retorted and he held a small smirk under his mask as he turned back and looked around and scanned the area.
''watch your tongue l/n''
ghost replied quickly and you kept the same hard glare as you did before but you then kept quiet.
''Quiet all of a sudden ? you were so talkative for the first time ? cat got your tongue?''
he inquired.

'' No but i'm willing to cut out yours if you don't shut it , sir''

for ones new brewing feelings were on the rise for this snowy environment might just be your demise.

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