Rising tension (chapter 13)

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A/n- the poetic Rizzler has come with a sadly goofy ahh short ass chapter but enjoy for the poetic rizzler will write more soon🌚

It's been almost 6 hours now without any communication with people , the team and even the enemy. You don't blame them but at the same time you do. They should've been more prepared for this but at the same time there is not much they could've done without blowing the whole mission over. During these hours ghost simply rested while you stood awake and freezing , trying to keep warm as you tucked your legs close to yourself to conserve body heat and energy. You didn't mention anything but ghost knew all too well that you were cold as he opened his eyes, still seeing that you were in the same spot as before. He wasn't surprised but another thing he didn't need to deal with was you catching pneumonia or hypothermia so he stretched a little before standing up.

You glared and ghost shook his head as he searched around not minding your look much as he was  opening up cabinets to see if he could find what he was looking for. After a few minutes of searching and banging cabinet doors around he found what he was looking for and he turned towards you with two green sleeping bags that had been rolled up And stored away , they were a bit dusty but they would help greatly as of now.
You looked at ghost and shook your head as you kept to yourself , your breathes showing in the dimly lit space as you shivered and breathed quickly.

He walked over to you and stood in front of you before placing the bag in front of you and quietly walking away back to his spot , unraveling the bag laying it out Down onto the floor. He then started unclipping his vest , setting all his gear neatly down next to Eachother an he then took off his pants which left him only in his shirt and boxers along with his mask leaving you to cock an eyebrow at him.
"Why are you stripping?"
You say confused.
"More comfortable this way."
He muttered as he kneeled and slipped himself into the green sleeping bag.

You shook your head and kept to yourself watching as he lied down.
"Seems your taking the end of the short stick?"
He looked your way and you glared at him.
"Fuck off before I choke you out."
You snapped in a low tone and he held a small smirk under his mask.
"Funny you think you can do that but Is that a threat soul?"
He commented and you breathed out.
"It's a promise."
You replied and he huffed.
"I'd watch your tounge."
He looked at you, his eyes boring into yours before he looked away and stared at the ceiling.

You kept quiet , feeling a bit tense still as the cold ran in but most of all you were alone with him. You didn't know if you could fully trust him and you didn't want to take the chances of him getting any closer to you than needed. Regardless of his rank he was someone you didn't fully know and you didn't want to take any chances in case anything happened. Just because there your superior and they hold some sort of power over you doesn't mean you must do whatever they say and you know not to let anyone use there rank against you for there own personal gain and advantage.

The snow was rolling in quickly and the wind didn't let up as it slapped agaisnt the cabin like safe house  , your skin red and dry as the cold seeped in through the cracks of the safe house pouring in like water. You sniffled as you felt your mucus from your nose slipping out a bit from your nostrils and your Gordy stood shivering as your muscles and veins contracted as your body tried to reserve heat as the cold kept up. Minutes passed by and it was no use as the winter climate didn't get any better. Ghost on the other hand stood not moving , just simply lying down in the sleeping bag keeping to himself.

Every so often he'd glance at you seeing you shivering and he'd just keep quiet until he saw you trying to flex your fingers and keep the blood flowing in your palm but it was no use as you couldn't move your fingers and you cursed to yourself as you knew this wasn't good. Ghost kept his eyes glued to you as he watched you struggle to move your fingers and soon sat up and turned himself directly towards you causing you to look at him and make eye contact again.

"Your cold"
He muttered and you glared.
"Not shit Sherlock."
You retorted an he shook his head.
"Got a mouth now?"
He said in a smug tone.
"You sure do , maybe you should learn how to use it."
You glared.

"Maybe you should show me."

The tension was rising and so were his words , for high rising temperatures could leave one of a burn.

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