Resting thoughts (chapter 26)

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He questioned , his voice quiet yet soft but it held a confused undertone to it. He never expected to see you at his door later at night. He wondered what was going through your head as he could see that you seemed nervous and tense , your eyes were kept glued to the floor and you avoided eye contact with him. You were there for comfort. You didn't know what to do with yourself, you were scared , didn't know how to deal with these feelings and you sure as hell didn't know where to start. You knew deep down that you could trust him but you still had a bit trouble doing so but you had nowhere to go so this was your somewhat Last Hope but it also would curve that feeling of love and that longing for touch.

You were trusting him.

You kept quiet for a moment , your hands slightly shaky and your breath wavering and you took a small breath before looking at ghost and hesitating again but you managed to speak.
"Can I stay with you..."
You asked quietly , your voice faltering a bit as your adrenaline raced still and your thoughts ran.
Ghosts eyes winded at the request but he didn't step down as he stepped to the side to make room for you , silently welcoming you into his space and you did so and kept quiet , taking in the smell of cologne as well as the scent of musk. As you stepped into his room you saw that his room was set up like yours just a hit different with a few hand carved items on his desk.

His bed lied with the standard army green sheets and his gear lied about in the corner as well. He stepped more into the room and closed the door behind him and looked towards you.
"Are you okay?"
He asked knowing that it was very sudden for your appearance, he knew something was wrong.
"I just...there's something fucking wrong okay I keep seeing shit , I can't sleep I feel somethings in my room and I..."
You trailed off feeling uneasy as you explained and ghost tilted his head and gave a small nod of understanding.
"It's okay you don't need to explain..."
He grumbled softly as he stepped around you and back to his bed.
"I assume your bunking with me then?"
He wanted to confirm and you nodded.
"I'll leave early , bad enough that we're both breaking Some fraternization rules for stupid shit.."
You sighed and he shook his head.
"Price won't let that happen and it's been a bit for  you as well so..."

You nodded and He gave a Small nod back and got back into bed , watching as you stood there and were a bit still hesitant but you slowly walked over and sat next to him on the other side , the bed dipping a bit as you did so and ghost watched as you lied down on the very edge keeping still for a moment.
"Get comfortable alright we gotta get up tomorrow.."
He yawned before settling down under the covers and you kept quiet for a moment as he turned over in his side leaving room in the middle between the both of you as you were both back to back . He understood the feeling of not knowing what to do and feeling scared , he knew that feeling all to well. It was a fimiliar feeling he's felt all throughout his life. Ghost kept quiet , closing his eyes but as the time passed he he turned and got closer to you and wrapped his arms around you.

You froze up.

You kept quiet and you felt your panic rise but ghost spoke up.
"Just calm yeah? You keep stressing , you need to calm yourself luv."
He spoke softly , that name ringing in your ears bringing that sense of comfort throughout your mind. You felt his chest agaisnt your back , his body agaisnt yours , he felt warm and secure , you felt as if no one could get to you and you felt overwhelmed as this was all so new to you. You wanted to listen to his words but found it a bit hard to but you decided to listen and you kept a bit tense still , Your body shaking slightly now as this was all too new to you.

"You just need to calm down okay? No ones here , just me and you that's it."
He reassures you and you turned to face him and you wrapped your arms around him , your arms making there way around his torso and you buried your face into his chest, the scent of sandal wood and mint clouding your senses as you felt your panic ease. It was such a surreal feeling for both you and him. He tensed a little at the sudden action but soon yet quickly and accepted it as he tightened his hold on you.
In these moments it only confirms that you and ghost had something way deeper. Usally ghost wouldn't even let soap or price get near him but for you it was clearly different.

It was different on both of you in a intimate way.

Ghost was the dark and silent type , the one who wouldn't even think about doing things like this yet here he lied holding onto you. As he held you under the covers he gently placed his palm on your back and he started to make a small cucuclar motion to try and calm you. This only made you lean into him more and you kept silent simply enjoying this. As you leaned into him he let off a chcukle and you grumbled.
"This is stuck between us. No one else"
You muttered. Letting this feeling seap in an linger and he leaned his head against his pillow.
He replied as heard your soft yet firm grumble.
As you felt his hand rub against your back you felt your exhaustion and tiredness take over and your gaze began to wander as your eyes began to close ad well as your body began to relax.
Ghost felt your body relax in his arms and he held a small smirk on his face as he relaxed as well. This may had been new to you but your body craved this just as much as he did.

For the rest of the night you both had stood sleeping together with both of you in eachothers brave and you let your worries and tears slip aways , almsot letting ghost be your crutch for the night yet he wasn't just a crutch , it was more then you let on.

While feelings lied deeper than you let on for both kept marching through going to the beyond. For you were safe for now but not for long yet moving in would come at what cost?.

Deep Thoughts (ghost x female reader) Where stories live. Discover now