Mission entails (chapter 29)

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Chapter 29

You headed down to the briefing room , seeing price was there before you as he had left rec earlier than you and you saw laswell , soap , Gaz and ghost. Ghost stood in the corner as he normally did , his eyes trailing towards you as he watched you enter in the room. You didn't say much but you could feel his eyes on you even if he wasn't much in your view. Soap greeted you with a smile as soon as you entered the room, breaking the tension between you and Ghost. He offered you a seat near the table where the others were already gathered and you quietly sat down next to him on his right while Gaz was at his left. Price sat at the head of the table along with laswell, going over some last-minute details for the mission that would be coming up.gaz was tapping his fingers against the table, looking impatiently at the screen in front of him.

"Now that everyone is here , we found the missiles and where they are headed but we don't know the exact location yet. It is out in Austria Germany."
Laswell explains as she pulled up a few documents on her laptop.
"Ghost an soul.."
She used your new callsign.
"You both will be sent undercover , lying low in a wel known hotel in out there looking for a man by the name of banamo."
Price grabbed laswells laptop and turned it around for all of you to see and you oooked closely seeing what the man looked like. He had like pale skin , buzz cut and had light green eyes along with brown eyebrows.
"Looks real scary."
You huffed sarcastically in a blunt tone.
"Not exactly but he's dangerous but holds info. And that's where you come in."
Laswell looked at you and you cocked an eyebrow at her yet kept quiet. Soap looked at you as well as Gaz did wondering what you postion will hold.

"You will head out to the hotel casino and use your skill to lure him in get him to be alone and see if you can get any info on him."
She added and looked towards ghost.
"Which means no masks."
She eyes ghost and he kept quite , seemingly not liking the idea of it.
"You'll head out later on today since trips will be long. You'll be taking to the airport with this one , be alert with it."
Price explained.
"Gaz and soap will be here monitoring you both from afar."
Price added and you all nodded.

You knew what this mission entailed and what laswell meant by "undercover at a hotel" , this only meant that you had to pack and wear something up to casino standards which meant things involved a dress. You sighed and as soon as you were thinking about it currently laswell spoke up again.
"And this means proper attired , suit for ghost and a dress for y/n."
Laswell spoke up and showed you both two bags holding your outfits and you had a displeased looked upon your face.
"Someone don't like the fact she's gonna look pretty for the night."
Soap hides and you glared at him. He didn't forget what happened earlier.
"Let's not fight ladies."
Ghost looked between both you and soap knowing that you were annoyed.
"With all due respect If your gonna make me look like a damn street walker at least give me some damn lipstick to look the part fully."
You grumbled and price shook his head.
"You'll look decent and nice , not like some common whore walking down the street alright."
He reassured you firmly and you sighed.

"Ghost and soul will pack there bags for the next hour."
Laswell pushed your bag towards you and ghost stepped towards and grabbed the bag that was assigned to him. You grabbed the bag looking inside seeing a sleek red dress , it was long and had a open back as well as no straps with a leg slit in the dress bottom where your legs would be. It was pretty but you weren't really the one to where dresses. You kept quiet as you listened to price as he explained soap and Gaz job and laswell dismissed both you and ghodt allowing you to leave. You stood up , watching as ghost passed you and you kept quiet , keeping your eyes ahead and keeping your head down as you walked down the hallway back to your room.
As you did so ghost looked back at you for a moment before stepping into the hallway and going into his room. You did the same sighing as you looked at your drawers.

You had a long way ahead of you.

For being undercover would mask lies as well as many would soon die.

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