Evac (chapter 17)

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A/n- short chapter yall , still loki tryna write and stuff but y'all know me by now lol. Enjoy the chapter

12 days passed so far, you barely ate throughout  , no sight of the enemy and the same routine lied. You kept quiet and you talked a bit more while ghost did the same. There was no sign of soap or any other life such as evac. You stood shivering in the same corner you had sat in when you first arrived and you shook your head as you stood up. Ghost , who still stood sitting there watching as you with a flashlight as you walked up to the door and opened it, letting the cold air through , it was currently dark out , the stars shining bright like glitter yet the cold icy wind was like a slap to the face.

"Soul what the hell are you doin."
The Brit called out to you in a firm tone yet it was calm in way as he watched as you looked up to the sky.
You answered quietly as you observed the sky.
"Watching for what? Get your ass back inside."
He called for you and you sighs stepping foot back into the safe house , feeling board. You let off a fustrated huff as you rummaged around and grabbed the walkie talkie and you started to tinker around with it trying to see if you'd hear anything but the static noise that was coming through.
"This is fucking bullshit you know that."
You seethed as you were fustrated.
"They said they'd get to us in about a week to two weeks calm your ass. There's not much we can do l/n."
Ghost said bluntly as he closed his eyes letting them rest for a moment.
"Ghost we need to do somethin"
You said as your fustrations were growing with each passing second.

Ghost turned his head to you. You could barely read his eyes through his mask as he was usually just staring or closing by his eyes.
"I know, but there's not much we can do at the moment."
He sighed and you paced before going to throw the walkie but ghost caught your wrist before you could do anything. Ghost's grip was tight, but not painful as You knew he wasn't going to let you throw it. After he tightened his grip, he glanced down to you before letting your wrist go gently.

You tensed as you watched as he let you go and you glared at him.
You warned and he shook his head.
Ghost's brow curled under his mask, his lips turned down as He knew exactly what he was doing.
"Calm yourself"
He glared at you and you kept quiet knowing he was right.
"Evacs not coming till two weeks from now and we barely have any food to keep us stable for the next week."
You snapped and he kept his eyes on you.
"Will manage , not like you each much anyways but I suggest you should luv."
Ghost didn't seem like he was going to give an inch.

You head snapped at him as you heard the pet name he had called you. Your eyes narrowed and you kept quiet but your silent stare spoke volumes. Before you went to speak you heard the walkie static start to come off and you heard a voice come through.
"Soap to soul , how copy?"
Soaps voice rang through and your eyes widened as you quickly picked up the walkie and spoke through comms.
"Soul to soap , holy shit fucking comms are back. Through you weren't coming for another week?"
You said as your tone was a little more upbeat from your normal tone.
"Yeah ,nice to know your all alive. we managed to track you and get comms back up so we're going to go get you all. Evac should be there in an hour so don't get your hair all mixed up I know how you feel to be around others.."
Soap informed with his usual light and joking tone and ghost stood up and talked into his comm.
"Nice to know your still in touch jhonny."
Ghost spoke through comms an soap scoffed.
"Yeah yeah , we're going to get you both so be ready."
Soap chuckled and you quickly fixed your gear as you opened the door to the safe house and stood outside of it watching in the sky still.it was snowing hard and the wind was harsh but now you could finally let your mind be at peace.

You were now ready and evac was coming for you were both safe yet still in a hurry. As ones frustrations melted away for another journey lied At bay.

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