Halt (chapter 12)

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everything had been cleared.

Before heading to the front of the safehouse you and ghost checked the perimeter to make sure things were okay and semi safe as you both were getting ready to take shelter. you sling your rifle over your shoulder and you looked up at the old worn down safe house and you wasted no time before kicking in the door harshly to get in and as soon as the door open you were hit with the cold aroma of wet wood and a very potent earthy smell.

There was a small worn down kitchen , one bathroom that was the size of an airplane toilet and a bedroom that had a thin training mat as a bed. You shook your head and cursed to yourself as you entered with caution and looked around for anything suspicious. You sighed before placing your rifle down and slinging it back onto your shoulder and you saw ghost search around the wall for a moment before pulling out a small flashlight from his vest.
"Fire will alert others , any light source will alert others and so will smoke."
Ghost muttered with an annoyed tone which was a far cry from his usual cold one as he looked around as he wasn't a fan of his current conditions with you but he didn't speak much of it.
"No shit Sherlock."
You glared and he did the same back as he closed off the door and locked it.

"God knows when comms are gonna come on and we're fucking trapped in this icy coffin.."
You sighed as you slouched and sat on the ground. Ghost looked around the room, then gave you an annoyed look.
"Fuckin hell..."
He cursed again and leaned against the wall pulling the mask over his face a little more as he fixed it.Even when the mission was going terribly, he never took it off. He was always cautious of revealing his identity and even if it was jhst you and him he didn't want to take much of a chance.
He looked on the small device that he had gotten the lactation to the safe house on by soap and he started to type onto the small tablet.

You watched intently as he typed into the device and you kept watch as you felt cold , a burning sensation in your fingertips leaving you to be stiff and sore, not to mention the aftermath of your quick yet crazy thinking which left even more pain on your body. As you flexed your fingers to try and get the blood flowing in your muscles along your fingers to heard ghost grumble something to himself.
"Got a code sent out by soap , comms are down and we're stuck here for a week , there should be some MRE's to last us both and storms rolling in as well.."
He explained as he looked towards the door as he heard the harsh whistle from the winds outside.

Winds were kicking up which meant a storm was rolling in. Snow was falling down quickly and it wasn't letting up , the thought of getting snowed in was one concern but getting caught by the enemy was another. You leaned your head back on the slowly rotting wood that was kept up as a wall and you looked to the ceiling. Ghost could tell you were thinking but most importantly he could tell you were worried slightly but he didn't mention anything as he let you think for a moment.

"I might be thinking about taking up that offer on a little me time."
You say flatly and ghost sits down on the ground as well but on the opposite side from you , putting one of his legs up while the other lays straight out.
"Sooner we get out of here sooner we can finish this mission but for the time being we're stuck so get comfortable."
Ghosts gruff tone lowered down as he crossed his arms and closed his eyes. He was never one to put himself into a vulnerable position like that as he didn't trust many but he knew that nothing would happen. He was a quick thinker , maybe not the most intelligent at times but he was always thinking of the possibilities and outcomes.

He trusted you to not do anything but he wasn't as sure about the people and things that lurked around  as there had been the whole mishap with graves betrayal with the enemy and what not but also the animals in the distance so he kept his hand near his rifle that he had also set on his lap to make sure he could easily react if something happened. You stood in your spot , keeping quiet as you saw him just sit there in silence and you shook your head as you simply waited for the hours to pass.

You didn't sleep , rest your eyes or even take a quick Power Nap. You wanted to be alert at all times. You didn't trust ghost , you didn't trust many but what you did trust was your instincts. Your instincts have kept you out of danger more than once and in those moments where you had to take extreme measures to make sure you were safe you didn't mind the risk after it as long as you were okay. Your instincts told you to stay awake and that's what you did , you stood up the whole time even if you felt tired and sleepy.

You've had many experiences as well on missions that made you cautious an not mention the Times where you have been cornered like meek prey but little did people know there lied a raging feeling of anger  beneath that quiet exterior of yours and that day you didn't let it get past to try and keep yourself safe as you have used a great amount of violence just to do that.

As one felt she was in danger her instincts would not falter as she knew she could try and keep herself safe without any halter.

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