Soul snatcher (chapter 6)

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A/n- y'all the poetic Rizzler has come in clutch with a chapter for y'all even tho she's busy as shit 🤠 , here y'all go and enjoy the chapter folks !

Tw- mentions of past abuse , foster care and neglect

Next day had arrived , after last night you had gone back to your sleeping quarters to wind down but you had gotten very little sleep and the bags under your eyes showed that. The nightmares from your past often bothered you but other things as well from your childhood.
When you were young, about 14 you were taken out of your home by child protection authorities after your school teachers had reported your father for child neglect and abuse. Your teachers had noticed bruises popping up more and more and got suspicious but they discreetly asked you on it and you eventually gave in and told them everything.

You then were placed into foster care , getting switched home from home and you had learned one thing in common with all of it. To not trust anyone. You didn't talk about the horrors of what you went through in life but it haunts you and the feeling of feeling like your worth nothing stood out and killed you inside every day. You felt angry at eveyone and most of all your self but there was nothing that could fill that void.

You stood walking through the hallways as you made your way to the training room as you did every morning. You thought about what ghost had said lastnight to you on the roof you pushed that out of your head as you fixed the new clean bandages on your knuckles that you had changed out this morning before even leaving your quarters. As you neared the training room you heard other soldiers talking amongst themselves and there comrades and it wasn't long till you heard footsteps behind you. You turned to see soap who had a soft smile on his face as he looked at you and you tilted your head and you stopped in your tracks and looked at him.

"Morning soul snatcher"
Soap smirked and you raised a brow.
"Is that what we're calling me now?."
You cocked and eyebrow at him.
"Yeah sure why not ? You always look like you wanna kill people in the morning plus I think it suits you for your skill in the feild"
Soap smiled.
"Plus you need a callsign."
He added.
You shrugged , not really caring for the name but letting him say it however he pleaded. It was soap , you had a small soft spot for him. He was the light in dark situations or in missions and you were thankful for that and plus he was a good friend and comrade, Very protective as well.

"You headed to chow?"
He asked and you shook your head no and sighed.
"Does it look like we're near chow ?"
You retorted sarcastically but in a blunt tone and he playfully rolled his eyes as you both finally enetered in the training room but before you could take another step you were stopped short by a gruff voice from behind you.
"Soul snatcher ? More like hit an miss since she can't even land me on my ass in training."
The deep British voice came up from behind.

It was ghost.

"And what you think your speical because you were named after the dead or was it because half the time your mask looks like a half assed spirit Halloween project lieutenant?"
You snapped and glared and soaps let off a chcukle and ghosts eyes narrowed a little but he held a small smirk beneath his mask.
"Someone's fiery today...."
Soap muttered and let off a small chuckle and you glared at him causing him to immediately go quiet and look down at his feet.
"Okay 'soul snatcher' , let's see if you live up to your name."
He tested you as he walked past you into the training room and he stepped onto the Matt and waited for you to join.

Others in the training room glanced over as they worked out and on themselves and ghost stood waiting for you. Today was no more. You stepped onto the Mat and stared daggers at him as you started to circle around him and he did the same in suit. Soap sighed and followed into the training room and leaned on the wall as he watched everything unfold.
"Plan on getting your ass dropped again?"
Ghost says as he went to land a punch but you managed to duck and block it just in time as you felt him graze you slightly. You stood quiet as you knew he was trying to get a rise out of you but you were already pent up enough from yesterday that you weren't gonna let his Shit slide today.

You let your anger and fustrations fuel your attacks as you kicked up your left leg and quickly kicked him dead straight in his ribs causing ghost to let off a small since as he felt pain for a few seconds but it soon subsided as he regained himself before throwing a kick himself but you managed to catch his leg and you used that to your advantage and you kicked him off his other leg causing him to fall. As he hit the ground he used his free leg and he kicked you away , pushing you back causing you to stumble.

Others who had been working out they stopped what they were doing and they wanted to see if today would be just like yesterday but they could tell you were using your fight. Ghost rolled and he kicked you off your feet and you rolled before he could try and pin you. You quickly got back on your feet and he threw a couple punches towards you , punch after punch he drew blood again.
The dark red crimson dripping down your face onto the mat. The little droplets of blood staining the bright blue training mat. Winces and other things could be heard around from others as they watched In anticipation as they waited to see what would go down.

You felt the warm blood fall from your nose but you ignored the feeling as you charged at ghost , lunging towards him. You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling up on the front of his neck and pushing down on his head as you cut off his airway. He could feel the anger in your grip , how fed up you were. He was amused by that but he wouldn't let you know. He struggled against your grip as he felt himself getting light headed , soap could see ghosts struggle against you as you used most of the force you could muster out of your body and soap could see that ghost wouldn't last long and he didn't know if he should step in or not.

Ghost struggled against you and he then used his free hand and he tapped out on the mat and you let go and glared at him as you watched as he caught his breath. Soaps eyes widned and others in the training room started to wolf whistle and smirk. Soap walked over as he watched as ghost stood up and regained himself and soap had a amazed look on his face as he walked up to you.
"Holy shit lass you beat the man!"
Soap exclaimed and you just let off a small glared towards ghost and then nodded at soap.
Ghost rolled his neck as there was a slight discomfort from where you practically cut off his air.
"You did good. Managed to put me down good"
Ghost said bluntly but you could hear the smirk in his voice. You felt your fustrations leave your body and your mind became somewhat clear as you had gotten that out of the way. You were content and a little proud of yourself that you managed to beat ghost.
"Was that a compliment lieutenant?"
You crossed your arms as your tone was one of a slight teasing tone. Ghost rolled his eyes in a somewhat playful manner.
"Don't push it soul snatcher."

New beginnings meant new chapters for this was a New achievement that had left after.

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