Getting to know eachother (chapter 1)

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TW- mentions of sexual harassment and atempted sexual assualt (nothing happened its just a mention) please do not read this chapter if you will be triggered by this

It's been about 8 months since you've been on task force 141 and been a sergeant on the team.

Being on task force 141 was no easy job but you knew the risks and were willing to take them as far as it could go , going as far as to make people think that the geneva convention has expired. Your team has seen you in action and they've seen how far you are willing to go to get intel and get to what you needed in a mission , either it was waterboarding , using jumper cables or fire but they've seen it all and they know how ruthless you can be out in the field but out on base and when training you were just really distanced and quiet.

It's been awhile since you've been out of the military life and into regular civilian life but you preferred it to be that way. You were always quiet and reserved , you were 26 years old , about the youngest in the group , you talked when needed or if you wanted to ask about something but for the most part you stood off and in the distance keeping shut. That was just how you rolled. You stood on base in your quarters as today was an off day as no missions were currently on the run as you had just gotten off a mission not too long ago. It was quiet on base , well at least the part you were in. It was a calm feeling but you stood alert still as you knew danger lurked everywhere , the others on your team say you were paranoid but you were just aware of all the possibilities of what could happen.

The base was located in a remote area of the desert. It was a massive complex, with several buildings, each designed for a specific purpose. The surrounding area was completely fenced off, with armed guards patrolling the perimeter 24 hours a day. Inside the base, there were
A few aircraft hangars, containing a wide variety of aircraft, from fighter planes to cargo planes. There was also an extensive air traffic control system, with control towers and radar installations to monitor air traffic coming in and out of the base.

The base also had its own large generators capable of supplying electricity to the entire facility in case of an emergency. The base was also equipped with its own water and sewage treatment systems, as well as a fully stocked medical clinic with doctors and nurses on staff.
In addition to all of this, the base also had its own dining facilities, where soldiers could eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. There was also a gym and a recreation center, where soldiers could relax and unwind after a long day of training or duty.

Overall, the military base was a highly functional and highly secure facility, capable of supporting thousands of soldiers and providing them with everything they needed to carry out their missions effectively and efficiently but it wasn't a base where you truly felt safe , Nowhere was safe for you. As a female soldier you have endure alot of sexual harassment , weather it be cat calling , other soldiers who were supposed to be your ''brother in arms'' trying to grope you , making sexual comments about you and even one time where a soldier had tried to corner and assault you in one of the dead ended corridors but nothing happened as you were able to defend yourself and report it.

In the end the soldier got kicked out on dishonorable discharge and got charged later with attempted sexual assault , there was some little justice to what happened but many cases like that in the military go unspoken of or unreported. You felt unsafe but that didn't stop you from doing your job. You kept a small knife in the inside on the side of your combat boot on your right foot for protection , even going as far to keep on under your pillow in your quarters. You had known soap , Ghost and the others for the time being that you had been on the force but you kept your distance when off mission.

Soap was the jokester of the group along with gaz , kinda like two brothers who were always doing shit they weren't supposed to be doing. They made you laugh and tended to brighten up your day regardless of your quiet demeanor and reserved self. They didn't know much about your horrid past as it was confidential but we'll get more into that later but the only people who knew were Price , who was your captain and laswell as they had your files but they had never said a word about it. Price , he was like the dad of the group , had expectations and rules and he also kept things in order and made sure shit got done as he knew soap could goof off sometimes and get distracted but he knew when to get his head in the game when on a mission. Price was also very caring towards you in a way as you were kinda like a daughter to him. He checked in on you regularly and made sure you ate and drank water as you would forget alot.

And then there's Ghost.

Ghost was the 6,4 muscular Brit who wore a skull mask and was quiet sometimes , reserved like you in a way. He was a killer on the field , one feared by many but he was such a prick to you at times. In the beginning when you first joined the team he really made sure to make your days a living hell , if it wasnt running laps due to him saying you fucked up on something then it was him just training to get under your skin as he insulted you when ever he got the chance, which he had successfully did. Soap told you that he would warm up to you but that took six months , it took about most of the time you were on the team so far. Lately he hasn't said much to you.

You stood in your quarters in the barracks cleaning up whatever you could , laundry , clothes , shoes , cleaning gear ect. Having a dirty barracks room was not on your agenda for you also didn't want to get yelled at for stupid shit when they had barracks checks regardless of rank depending on how high you actually were. As you were settling into your own thoughts you heard a knock on your door. As you were hunched over picking up and folding clothes your head turned to the door. You gently set your stuff down and you walked over and opened your door.

For the person now lies unknown for you must wait to be told as you wait on hold.

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