Intel (chapter 7)

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A/n- I'm back's a chapter , sorry if it sucks. I'm tired currently while writing this so if it seems rushed please pardon my mistakes and lack of normal writing but enjoy !

Soap walked next to you rambling on about how you kicked ghosts ass. You had mostly tuned him out as you walked and cleaned your bloody nose as you had all left the training room to go to chow. Ghost was no where to be seen again per usual. You stood quiet as you walked next to soap and walked through the hallway, the noise of others chatting filling that silent void within the hallway. You were thinking about how you had ghost in a choke hold. You couldn't tell if he had went easy on you or you had gotten lost in your anger and didn't realize how strong of a hold you actually had on him.

You stood spaced out for another moment before you were pulled out of your thoughts by a fimiliar Scottish voice.
"You really got him good aye? You did good!"
Soap smirked and nudged you and you shrugged, not making much of a comment as you walked. You and soap kept walking and you noticed how he kept looking at you every once and a few moments and as soon as you went to hit chow you were stopped by a voice coming fro behind you.
"We have a briefing on an upcoming mission for Tomorrow , get geared up and head to Laswells , price will be there as well."

Fucking hell, It was ghost.

You grumbled as you shook your head before turning around glaring at ghost and brushing past him as you went back to head to your personal quarters leaving soap standing by himself as you left on your own terms. Ghost stood there watching you as you walked off and he huffed before continuing on knowing now he gave you the heads up. For a brief moment ghost looked at you but then he turned his attention onto soap and he held a firm and hard stare at the young Scottish man.

" I see how you are with her and the looks you give her. That needs to end."
Ghosts harsh tone caught soap off guards and soaps eyes narrowed as he looked over ghost.
"Me and y/n are nothing more merely than good friends and comrades that's it , nothing more."
Soap defended and ghost just let off a small scoff. Ghost wasn't one to be confrontational on the feild or much in person , only more so when he had no other choice but to be but in this case it was puzzling to him but it was understandable. Relationships in this line of work wasn't really meant to be and if it ever did happen within the ranks it was kept a secret. Soap new better and ghost did too but ghost had a funny feeling about it.

Ghost and soap were good friends as well but ghost could tell when one was catching feelings. He was a man of observations , mostly keeping quiet as he watched over everything. He knew your mannerisms well and he knew soaps as well. You weren't really an open book but you also had some fun sometimes and bantered around with soap or Gaz when it came to it.
You stood quiet most times and really didn't want anything to do with many but you did know how to lighten up sometimes.

"I also expect you to be on time for this briefing today for Tomorrow's mission info sergeant."
Ghost added before silently walking off keeping to himself after his last few shared words. Soap sighed and shook his head before walking off and going to his quarters to get ready himself.
It was going to be a long day tomorrow so he figured he just get himself prepared as much as possible before anything, which was something most did , it wasn't unusual to get ready early. In fact it was encouraged by most but not all practiced it.

You stood in your quarters strapping on your vest , clipping the sides and tightening the straps to your liking.As you gear up for the mission briefing, you can feel your thoughts running as you wondered about the other night with ghost. He wasn't one to usually apologize so easily and it made you wonder what genuinely made him do it. He was usually a dick and never really apologized for what he's said but what made that day any different than any other. Was it the blood that pooled during sparring or was it more?. You sighed and decided to not really think much more of it as you had things to do and You start to go over your gear.

You shook yourself off and you decided that you were geared up and ready to go. There wasn't much to where as it was just a briefing but you rather just wear what was told to be worn then get yelled at for some minor inconvenience and be told that "one small fuck up can lead to bigger fuckery" by ghost. You let off a deep exhale and you went out of your quarters and back into the hallway but before you closed your door you looked back one last time at your bed and you closed the door , locking it behind you before You walked around through the hallways as you made your way to the briefing room.

You walked swiftly through the halls , not leaving much room for distractions within the areas around you. You kept focused on where you needed to be at the moment and you stood level headed as you finally reached the briefing room. As you approached the door you took a small breath before entering the dimly lit room , seeing Laswell , soap , Gaz and price all laid sitting around a wooden table with their usual gear on that they normally wear and price sitting with his hat atop his head.ghost kept standing , in the corner silently as he watch As you entered the room as well. you felt all their gazes on your and you stood tense and stiff as you closed the door behind you , the door letting off a creak as you did so.

"Glad you made it , just in time."
Laswell broke the harboring silence as she gave you a nod of acknowledgement. You gave a small nod back to her as you stepped into the room further and Took your seat next to Gaz. Ghost glanced at you for a moment before looking back at laswell and price.
"The type of mission you are all participating in is a covert mission, meaning that it is done with the utmost secrecy to maintain the element of surprise."
Laswell stated.
"There's a target located out in the rural areas of Russia. There's a target located out in the middle of it in the south. We're looking for intel on a set of missile that we're supposed to be transported from Russia out all the way to a unknown locations."
Price explained as he pulled out a few papers and such and you nodded along as you listened.

" ghost and soul snatcher' , your jobs will be to head out there and see if you both can find the missile crates out in the ports of the woods. Soap and Gaz will be working from afar locations keeping check on where and when they see movement out in your locations and I will check in making sure things go smoothly. If things go south there will be a safe house out there for you and ghost"
Price informed with a firm and gruff tone of voice as he explained the whole mission. You thought for a moment. You knew this could either go great or this could go sideways but you knew that in this field of work there were risks but with your skill you knew you'd make it out alright.

For dangers lurk and the sky's cloud for you had a new task at hand for you wouldn't roam about.

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