Winter tundra (chapter 9)

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A/n- the peotic rizzler has another chapter out for y'all , please tell me if my writing is shit and I'll try to better myself as I know sometimes my words can be vague and kinda written quickly but enjoy the chapter 🫠✨

It's been over 6 hours already and you neared the mission site.

You all sat in silence , the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the roaters and the slap of the wind. You noticed throughout the flight that ghost would often glance at you but for the most part his head was in the game. You leg had a slight bounce to it as you turned this into a nervous habit. You had often did that when you felt uneasy and regardless of your position and reputation you still had feelings but they were ones you often never showed.

"This is falcon 9 speaking , we are in rager territory. You'll be dropped off 50 feet away so as you make your way in it'll be somewhat clear."
The pilot announced through comms and you got ready as you felt the chopper start to land.  The icy breeze was blowing through as you were all in winter weather and harsh winter climate as you were now in Russia. You felt the chopper rock a bit as it made its way down into the ground. You looked outside the window as you landed and you saw the bright gray ish white sky as snow fell and stuck to the floor that had already accumulated a lot of snow into it. 

You unbuckled yourself and grabbed your rifle as the chopper door slid open, the cold air sweeping in quickly as you felt the heat in your face dissipate. It wasn't often you had missions in winter climates , mostly dust and sand or mud with water and humid conditions. You never liked the winter and you pretty sure you never will but maybe what's to come will be your change in that.ghost got up as well and followed behind you  As you step out of the helicopter, the cold winter air hits your face like a slap. Your eyes tear up and your lungs burn as you breathe in the bitter wind. It feels like the icy fingers of death are trying to pull you back into the helicopter but you know best that you don't have a choice in this matter.

You can see the snow on the ground, and the trees seem to be bent under the weight of the frozen precipitation. It's an inhospitable environment, and you wonder how anyone could survive in this wilderness but it also makes you understand why the targets would be out here , nobody wants to be out here which means that no one would he around to find out about anything that goes on within the woods and forest and if they animals out there don't kill you then the freezing cold will.

As you stepped into the snow you heard the soft crunching noise from your boots as well as from ghosts boots and you looked back at him and you looked before tensings as you saw the laswell approach. How she got there was beyond your knowledge but you figured she had tagged along to give a quick briefing before you left off and started the mission fully.
You gave a small nod as you saw laswell stand in front of you and look up at ghost. Ghost gave a silent nod of  acknowledgement and kept tense and ready as well even though he was aware of why laswell was there with you all in the first place.

It was for you.

"If you're wondering why I'm here it's on your behalf y/n , there's a man you might know here. Where the mask and you get a warm ride home."
She held out a skull balaclava similar to ghosts mask. Your eyes narrowed and glared at ghost before looking back at laswell.
"Or i can take a little me time and freeze to death"
You say firmly.
"That's the one I'm partial to."
Ghost muttered as he practically burned holes into the back of your head.
"Y/n no bullshit and keep the violence minimal, you know what I mean."
Laswell says sharply as she referred to the times that have been brought to her attention on missions by the others.

Like as said in the beginning, you were violent. Not just any violent but fucking absolutely savage. There have been times on missions where you've stabbed the enemy multiple times in the neck up to the point you drowned them in diesel and set them aflame. You've done the most to get information out of people and you've done gut wrenching things just to keep yourself and your squadmates alive. It was no secret that you had gained a rep for that but by all means you did what had to be done but since it was a downlow mission you had to keep things vanilla.
In other words , not so crazy.

You gave a nod as you room the mask and took off your headgear for a moment to put it on and you adjusted everything as you heard her words and you looked back at ghost before looking back at laswell.
"I'll get updates from you both later , backup will be here if needed and if shit goes south will ping you to the safe house about a few miles over but close  enough to walk it in a few hours."
She informed you and you gave a nod as she turned around and got ready to head into the chopper and as she did so she turned back And looked at ghost.
"And Riley , keep level headed."
She says before stepping back into the heli as it got ready to take off.

You were both now ready to head off into the frozen tundra as you turned on your foot and started to walk quickly towards where the target would be.ghost walked quickly as well but He glanced over at you for a moment, his dark brow   eyes were void missing any emotion as he walked past you and started cautiously making his way around as he held his rifle up making sure there weren't any hostile in the area currently as he knew they would an could be lurking about nearby. You did the same and followed in suit as you scanned around the area holding your rifle tightly as your hand grasped the grip securely.

"I'm guessing you spoke to mactavish about his 'friendliness' "
You muttered and ghost glanced at you for a moment before averting his gaze.
"What's that got to do with anything we're doing soul."
He snapped in a low tone and you glared at him.
"It's in the books l/n , No relationships within the ranks."
His gruff tone came out low as he tried to keep focus but as you heard his words spill from his mouth you rolled your eyes.
"Lieutenant If you think one bit that I want anything to do with mactavish you're dead wrong , not to mention that I just think you're jealous since you'd never had a chance in your life to get laid."
You retorted and he huffed.

"Maybe I'll get a chance sooner than you think if soap stops bloody fucking around."
He replied as he trudged through the snow with you behind him , the soft crunching noise from the slightly icy soft snow filling the air along with the harsh whistle sounds of the wind that flowed  through the trees.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Your eyes narrowed and he shook his head.

"Figure it out."

Ones meanings behind those words were unknown and a mystery for soon maybe it'll be history.

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