Fun hours (chapter 39)

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A/n- I'm fucking losing my shit , the ending got my toes curling fr while I was writing it.

Tw- suggestive themes (not smut dw)

It was about maybe 2 in the morning now , driving for about two hours down empty road , leaving the area of where any building could be located. Now there lied nothing but trees and forest for miles out.

Ghost stood quiet as you had started to now drive at a steady pace , the air flowing through the broken windows cuasing a chill to run down your back as you kept your eyes ahead and on the road. Ghost looked at you for a moment before placing his hand on your thigh as you drives , causing our gaze to break for a moment as you turned to him at quick glance and looked back on the road as you were broken from your thoughts but you were trying to still focus at what was happening at hand.
You muttered as a warning and he brushed you off for a moment.
"I ain't do nothin."
He mumbled , the Brit leaning back as he gently ran his thumb over the plush inner of your thigh going up futher which you glared at him for.

"So you now where we headed yeah?..."
Ghost looked at you a you sighed.
"Does it look like I know how to fuckin read German?"
You glared at him as you looked at the signs that were cleary not English.
"And Instead of feeling me up how about you take the burner phone out and contact laswell so we can know where the fuck were headed."
You sighed as you were tired and fustrated with everything around you. His eyes narrowed and he let off a small glare.
"I'll remind you I'm still your lieutenant."
He warned lowly and you snapped your head at him and slammed on the breaks causing him to practically smack the dashboard.
"Fucking hell.."
He groaned as he rubbed his head n's looked at you.
"Fuck is your problem? One minute your quiet the next your ready to kill someone. Did your professionalism leave you? Forgetting we're on a mission?."
Ghost glared as he grabbed his bag and took out the burner phone he had on him.

"Just make the fucking call already L.T"
You grew more snippy and he shook his head as he grabbed the phone and got out of the car and dialed in a specific number but handed you the phone to which you took and held up to your ear.
"Laswell?. We sent the info. We need Evac , a pickup , stranded god knows where. Hijacked a car but everything went semi smoothly. Might've needed to kill a few but it all went smoothly.."
You muttered as laswell was now on the other line.
"Was the mission compromised?"
Her eyes narrowed on the other end.
"Somewhat but we got the info. Banamo isn't dead but he's gonna be after us soon if we don't get a pickup."
You explained and she sighed.
"Pick up will be there in a few hours. Keep hidden for now and we'll send a chopper to your location. Estimated time 7 hours. Got the location from ghosts laptop"
She inquired and you kept a deadpanned look as you eyes ghost a bit.
"Got that."
You affirmed and she continued on for a bit before letting you head off the phone hanging up a bit as you looked up at him.

"They'll be here in 7 hours. She said keep low. She pinged our location through your laptop."
You announced to him and he gave a small nod.
"Not much we can do now but wait in the car."
He shrugged a bit as he watched you start to walk back to the drivers seat , him following in suit as he stepped back into the car with you , you both closing the door waiting. As you wait in the car tension builds between you and Ghost , Neither of you says a word but the silence is palpable as You can feel his eyes on you, watching your every move.With nothing else to do you start to pick at a hangnail, feeling the sharp pain shoot through your finger. You wince and Ghost notices, glancing at you with a mixture of content yet curiosity.

" really oughta get a drivers class."
Ghost mutters.
"Would you rather me have let them shoot you?"
You turned towards him.
" just do a lot of crazy shit is all."
He added as he looked at you.
You roll your eyes at Ghost's comment but you know he has a point. You've done a lot of reckless things over the years, and this mission was no exception but you always said fuck it.
"What's done is done"
you say finally.
"We got the intel, and we made it out alive. That's all that matters."
You pause for a moment considering what to say next.
"Listen simon. I know we haven't always seen eye to eye, but I'm glad you were there with me today......"
You muttered.
You're not sure if you've ever admitted something like that to Ghost before. I mean aside from you two almsot fuckin eachothers brains out earlier and holding it off  due to the mission, the adrenaline from the mission has left you feeling unusually open and vulnerable.

"Y'know I love you right??..."
He looked at you and you gave a small nod.
"It's clear we know..."
You shrugged.
"Im aware just saying."
He raised his hands a little bit.
He's left arm lowering a bit as it made its way to your thigh again as he gave a small squeeze.
"Y'know we got time to pass...."
He looked at you as he rubbed the meat of your thigh gently.
"Y'know we can't do th-"
Before you could say another word he lifted his mask and his lips touched yours cutting off your words.
"No one's around. Plus , I'd love to make you truly're mine.."
His lips slowly started to trail down your neck leaving wet marks.

You moaned a bit.
He chuckled in your ear amused by your reaction as He let his hands wander freely on your body
"What's the matter sweetheart.."
he teased you gently nipping your earlobe.
"Right here?...we're doing this right here?.."
You looked at him as he moved from the passenger seat and into the back , motioned for you to come sit in his lap to which you gave a small nod moving over the seats and straddling his lap , Feeling the growing tension within the confines of his pants.

He was big. You could feel it

You felt your thighs try to move together and gets some friction between your legs  to try and relive yourself and as Simon noticed this he placed his hands on your hips, guiding your movements as you started to grind against his clothed crotch to try and relieve the tension growing within you as you moaned a bit and leaned into him. He let out a soft growl as he watched as you rubbed against him.
"You're being so good for me, sweetheart....but let's see what we can really get done yeah? wanna do this?"
He asked and you nodded giving the okay to proceed. He chuckled as his hands trailed up your shirt rubbing over your chest.

Oh how it was going to a good few hours with him.

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