Picking fights (chapter 37)

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A/n- short-ish chapter  cuz I'm currently sick , enjoy it :)

you asked Simon, your eyes wide as you waited for his response. He just gave a quick nod, his eyes narrowing as he readied his own weapon.
The two of you were prepared to take on whatever was coming, but the men outside the door were relentless. They kept trying to pick the lock and you knew it was only a matter of time before they managed to gain entry. With a look between the two Simon moved towards the door more, motioning for you to cover him and you listened as You took up position near the door, gun at the ready as Simon smashed the door in.

As soon as he made it through, the men outside the door burst into the room. Instinctively you went with hand in hand combat. Simon joining the fray as you both fought for your lives. There were three men , one man came from behind you he tried grabbing you by your hair but you grabbed his arm and twisted it.You felt your opponent's grip on your hair loosen as you twisted his arm causing the man to grunt in pain. Simon had moved to the side and kicked at the other man's knees, sending him stumbling forward. You took advantage of the chaos and jumped on the man, landing on top of him with a heavy thud. He groaned and tried to buck you off, but you clamped on tight, pinning his arms at his sides as you then grabbed you high heel that lied on the floor and you stabbed the man causing him to yell out a bit but it soon died down as blood soon poured from his neck to where you stabbed ; his body going limp as you did so.

Simon moved in, his leg swinging in a wide arc and kicking the man in the back of his leg causing him to fall forward as the man also tried to grab hold of you.You dodged quickly, feeling the wind whip past your ears as he tried to grab you. Simon moved to your side, watching with a steely expression as you two circled the other man.The man lunged at you, grabbing you around the neck and squeezing hard as he dragged you to the wall, lifting you up, and pinning you there. He leaned his face in close to yours, a wicked smile on his face.
Before you could even move, Simon was there, his hands coming from behind his neck with a powerful force as he twisted the man's neck , hearing a sharp crunch. releasing you as he dropped to the ground as he was now out like a light. Sinking to your knees, you took a deep breath, the adrenaline still racing through your veins as you looked at Simon who was also crouched, catching his breath.
"Well, that was...something"
you said, trying to keep your voice light.
"You could say that again"
Simon replied, a slight grin on his face.
"Really didn't like those heel? Even killed a man with them"
Simon looked at you , seeing the heel you had in the man's neck.
"Isn't exactly lying low but gotta be creative sometimes."
You sighed looking at the men that now lied dead on the floor.

"They'll lock it down , it was only banamos men anyways."
He growled as he realized the situation a bit more and he growled as he started to grab all his things.
"Listen we head to laswell and get to a pick up point. Things are blowing over so we need to head to the airport and catch a flight outta here now before anything."
Ghost loooked towards you and you glaredat him for a moment as you realized you'd both still be on foot.
"Change first , can't go noticed. And heels aren't my strong suit.."
You told him as you grabbed your bag and started to strip , not caring about how he saw you in your bra and underwear as you tried to put on the clothes you came in with before.
"Good god woman"
He muttered under his breathe.
"Try walking in heels yeah? See how it is."
You glared.
"What? Caught a draft under your dress or somethings?"

He says sarcastically and you gave a small glare as you simply got dressed , puttin on your boots and cargos as well as your other clothing items:
"Your going to catch these hands if you don't let me change-"
You huffed but as you were cut off ghost pressed his lips onto yours giving a quick peck on the lips.
"Gonna catch way more back at base if you keep being a cheeky fiery woman."
He chuckled as he pulled away an set down his bag himself getting dressed as well as he knew going in the suit he currently wore wouldn't be the best.

For one was ready for new times that come for one that was from ways that run. One had new souls tied together which felt like new for one wouldn't let go as easy as you.

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