Crash (chapter 38)

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A/n- I've official crawled from the depths of the school basement and have brought you all the longest chapter I could pull from my ass , enjoy :)

Both you and ghost were dressed in your normal clothes you had that you had come in once you got off the plane and you stood finally dressed now. Your gun holsted in the pants holster you had for concealed carry , ghost stood wearing his mask now and he looked at you as he dug around his bag , taking out a burner phone and slipping it into his pocket for a moment. He looked up , looking around at the bodies that lied around the hotel room and he looked at you seeing as you looked around as well , the smell of blood and sweat seeping around as some of the men that had passed lied in puddles of there one blood from both of your rough doings. Ghost kept his same hard gaze now that he needed to focus on the mission at hand yet his mind kept slightly floating back to you. He watched as you looked him over seeing him back To his usual self and you brushed a hand over your head for a moment and you took a deep breath.
"C,mon , we head back and the sooner we do that we can get the intel and continue on."
You muttered as you quickly walked over the deceased men and you opened the hotel room door ; the smell of smoke and fresh carpet filling the air. You were about to speak but your eyes narrowed a bit as you saw more men in black rushing down the hall.

They wore suits , the simple black and white suit yet there faces were covered with balaclavas. Some having green eyes , other having brown and blue. They were tall and wel built , almost looking like a bit like ghost in a sense and they stood armed and ready as they started to rush.
"There those bastards are."
They said , Some shouting while others kept threes eyes on you. You quickly pulled your Own Weapon and you looked back into the room as you dropped your bag and you looked towards ghost.
"We got company again."
You say firmly , ghost keeping quiet as he quickly drawed his own gun as well , setting his bag down harshly as he rushed next to you.
"New plan , we rush outta and head off as quick as possible, I'll cover you but go towards the window at the end and climb out , I'll meet you at the front but spark a car."
He said firmly and quickly as he then rushed passed you into the dimly lit hallway as he started to shoot at the men.

You wasted no time before running down the hallway , bullets brushing past you as you made your way to the end of narrow doors and down to the hallway ending wall where the window lied. All you could hear was the loud popping sounds from the pistols that were carried and shot by the men. You knew you had to think quickly and you looked at the window before shaking your head and kicking in the window with your boots. The glass cracking and shattering as your feet made the impact letting the cool air from the outside deep inside. You quickly looked down seeing it was a dad drop if you were to fall but you looked to your right seeing a pipe line you could grab onto your get down. You heard more yelling from behind you as well as more shots ring off and you shook your head as you tried to push the thought of you falling to your death out of your head and you stood on the ledge and quickly scaled your way and grabbed you pipe line , your legs and arms quickly wrapping around it and sliding down. your hands getting dirty from the rust and grime that lied on it from time of it wearing down.

You looked down seeing into the cars parked outside and lined up neatly along the street outside of the hotel as well , not a single soul in sight outside as it was late and quiet. The lights of the street lamps lighting the street as well as the broken flicker of the lamp far ahead. You kept quiet for the most part , a small grunt escaping your lips as you made your way down into the street. Keeping low in a almsot crouch postion as you ran across hiding behind a car. A white Nissan pathfinder. You shook your head and decided it will have to do and you smashed in the glass , the car alarm setting off but you didn't bother with it as you quickly went to the drivers side and went under the steering wheel looking for two red wires and two brown ones.

As the car alarm was ringing off you heard some of the men yelling to head in your direction and you quietly cursed to yourself as you used the small knife you kept in your boot and you took it out and skimmed the rubber part of the wire letting the wires show and you took one of the red and brown wires and started to try and spark the car.
"Fucking hurry the fuck up....shit better work."
You muttered as you quickly started to start the car up , the lights of the car slowly flickering but not turning on fully as you contoured to spark it. You kept trying but there was no avail but as you were about to say "fuck it" it started up. You let off a sigh of relief as you started the car but as you did you saw a black car speeding towards you from behind. You wasted no time and you got into the drivers seat , brushing off some of the broken glass that was near and you closed the door and hit the gas pedal.

As you sped through the streets the black car tried pulling up beside you and you swerved causing them to pull up on your right side , a man in a tux pulling out from the back window holding a gun trying to shoot at you , the glass in the back of the car shattering as bullets whizzed past your head , you ducked low and kept speeding making a sharp left leaning tire marks in the road . As you sped up more looking your rear veiw mirror and you pulled the gun you had on you and you rolled down the good window on your left and you held your arm out the window trying to shoot back at them.
"Fucking shit ghost..."
You grumbled as you turned again trying to keep eyes on the road but you banked it and turned again heading around towards the hotel losing them for a bit and as soon as you did you saw ghost being cornered by four men and you wasted no time before really flooring the gas , ramming into the men , cuasing them to skid and fly across the road.

Ghost who now stood in shock as you came to a halt and stopped , backing up the car and looking out the window at him with a tired yet adrenaline filled look.
"Fucking get in."
You snap at him and be wasted no time before getting into the passenger seat , abiding by what you said and he turned to you and threw his bag in first before grabbing onto the seat as you floored it again.
"Fuckin hell woman you drive worse then me.."
He looked at you as he spoke with a huff , trying to catch his breath.
"Fuckin crazy..."
He added and you shook your head.

"Fuck around and find out."
Is all you said as you headed out of the area of where the hotel was , driving off with ghost next you.

As one used to be as broken as glass but now fire had been out to it letting it get put in place being new and class. As one found it's light for both had been caught in a darkness yet found one to be a arch nemesis.

Deep Thoughts (ghost x female reader) Where stories live. Discover now