Mission day (chapter 8)

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A/n- short chapter from the peotic rizzler , enjoy as I try to find motivation and spark to write again , also sorry if its shitty and not as detailed , like I said I'm trying to find motivation again but pardon me 🫠

Mission day came.

It was about 4 in the morning. You were tired and groggy but you knew all too well that you had things to do. You got up and did your normal routine brushing your teeth and doing your hair quickly as you went about as well putting your gear on. The air was cold , leaving small goosebumps to litter your skin and body as you took off the clothes you slept with and changed into your cargos and dark shirt. It was quiet for now but you knew that you'd hear the sounds of helicopter rotors and the sounds of orders being barked. out by your captain and lieutenant.

You started to strap on all your winter gear , whether it be your vest all the way up to your head gear and you stood doing this as quickly as possible as you knew the quicker you got ready the quicker you could head out through the corridor to the chopper and the mission would start. You felt the quicker you started the mission the sooner it would be over but you also knew that on these missions that there can be casualties and that the mission could take longer than expected or it could be easy and swift but you knew all too well that it would be long.

You kept checking and double-checking to make sure you have everything you need making sure you weren't missing anything important that you'd miss.You slip on your black combat boots and pull up your dark colored cargo pants.You check your weapon making sure it's clean and loaded and you made sure bay the safety was on for now as you weren't going to need it at the moment.You check your ammo pouches and mag cases making sure there wasn't anything wrong this time. You started checking your mags a lot more recently as one time one of the mags was just filled with straight gunpowder which had you confused but more so that put you into a dangerous position as you didn't have more ammunition when on a mission targeting a well known cartel group.

Luckily soap was there with you and you both got out of there alive and well but you will never forget that moment when you saw it was straight gunpowder. You have everything you need to treat any minor injuries that may occur as well as you keep a small medkit on the back of your vest as well. You look and feel ready, but you know that the mission briefing is the final step before you and your team set out into whatever mission lies ahead. You checked yourself one last time before heading outside of your quarters and heading down the corridor and into the main building where the helicopters and others started getting ready as well. The loud whirring noise from the helicopter filled the air as they made test runs to Make sure everything was in place.

They checked over everything as it was standard procedure and you looked around seeing ghost and backup soldiers near as you approached.
You kept quiet as he looked you over with the same stoic eyes he had always did and he let off a small huff.
"You know the plan , we head out to the location and we're in and out. No bullshit soul."
He shorted the the name given to you but you just went with it and nodded.
"Choppers ready to go sir."
The pilot said through comms and ghost stared off and sighed.
"Fuckin hell..."
He shook his head before making a subtle turn and seeing soap jogging over.
"Hey soul wait up lass."
Soap spoke as he approached you with a small smile.
"Good luck on the mission , make it back in one piece yeah?"
Soap smirked and ghost glared at him , making him uneasy but soap stood his ground.

You nodded as you heard his words and looked back at him one moment before grabbing your riffle and heading into the chopper  taking a seat as you felt your mind race a little. As soap saw you walk off he was kinda disappointed, he felt you wanted nothing to do with him but he knew how distant you could be with everyone so he tried not to take it personally as you didn't answer much. After a minute ghost and other soldiers sat on the opposite side of you in the chopper and the doors closed as you all got ready for lift off. You strapped yourself in making sure everything was set and in place and you looked at ghost before speaking into comms.
"This is soul , we are ready. 1 going over to bravo 6 and alpha 9."

The mission was here and new flights are rising for new targets lie ahead and for new sights we're trying.

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