Caving (chapter 14)

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A/n- the poetic rizzler has updated , enjoy my little shits :D

Your eyes narrowed as you listened to his words and you held a long glare towards him.
"And your sitting here telling me to watch my tounge , maybe you should take your own orders lieutenant"
You quipped quickly and he huffed.
"Let's quit the shit , your cold. Strip and we can share the sleeping bag."
Ghost suggested and your eyes widned a little and you instantly tensed.
"Yeah not a chance."
You replied hastily and quickly as you looked towards him and then the sleeping bag.

You didn't trust him much. Regardless if he's known you for a good chunk over a span of 7 months you didn't know him personally and you didn't know his true intentions and you didn't know what he was actually capable of and considering how he is in the feild but the same applies for you as you could be just as deadly as he could be, even worse at times as your ruthlessness could be uncanny. You both were forced people didn't want to mess with but for two strong forces to be head to head won't end well.

"Your gonna freeze if you keep up with this nonsense you can barely move your fingers and you'll catch frostbite and if you lose your fingers you won't be able to shoot and you'll be discharged."
Ghost explained and your teeth chattered as you began to speak up again.
"I'll take the deal your partial on and freeze to death."
You uttered and he sighed.
"Dont be fucking stupid about this l/n I'm serious."
He glared at you before scooting over on the sleeping bag making room for you to join him when you were ready even though there wasn't much time for a debate.

"Strip , we can't fit in together with all that gear but we can share body heat."
He suggested and you still kept in your corner not moving an inch.
"Fuck....yknow what...fine.."
You gave in.
As much as you were cold you were silently growing desperate and regretting this. You didn't want to go close to him and be close but you were cold and stiff on the brink of frostbite.
"Why should I trust you? You seem like you wanna kill me any turn you get."
You shot at him.
"Because I'm your last resort and I see right through you like a clear glass full of water."
He says and your eyes narrowed.

What did he mean by that? You thought you yourself as your mind started running as your anxiety rose quickly and your body tensed up.
"You don't know shit."
You growled lowly and he shook his head.
"Just get your ass over here before you fucking freeze to death."
He scolded as he scooted over and waited for you. You started to than to take off all your gear slowly and hesitantly as it only left you in a shirt and pants and you began to walk over and you gave him a glare.
"Try Anything and I'll make sure that I'll hold you up on your end of being the one partial to freezing."
You warned as you kneeled down and began to slide into the sleeping bag with him.

You take a deep breath and begin to climb into the sleeping bag, feeling the material against your skin. It's a tight fit  but your worries weren't currrntly on that. You feel his body against yours, the warmth spreading around you as you crawl into the bag, you can't help but notice how close you are to him. You can almost feel his heart beating against your back as you were pressed against him, His breath on your neck and his body against yours. You let out a sigh, feeling the tension between you intensifying. You were tense and uncomfortable but you started to warm up and feel your muscles loosening up a bit as you felt the warmth against your body.

Ghost noticed how tense you were and regalress of the one sided banter  and the fact that you could be very snarky he decided to give you some peace and he turned away from you leaving you now back to back. This small gesture was not the kind of thing you'd expect but you still didn't trust him enough to relax fully.
"Get some sleep yeah ? Maybe you'll be able to move your hands soon."
Ghost muttered as he yawned and closed his eyes.
"Try anything and I'll kill you before the cold does."
You huffed and  ghost shrugged you off.
"I know , I can feel the outline of the pocket knife in your pants pressing against my ass."
He grinned and your face only hardened.
"I mean it ghost."

"I know you do."

"Don't fucking try it with me today , quit your shit and go to sleep already."

"Wasn't planning on it , but keep on making threats and I might just have to test that theory myself."

"I'd like to see you try."

One's warnings made it through for new founding bonds could be made true.

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