Spiral (chapter 10)

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It's been about maybe 16 minutes and you and ghost have gotten deeper into the woods as you have made your way to the mission site. You both had to keep low as along the way you started to hear some unfamiliar noises come from the distance. You both saw ahead of you the warehouse building , it was tall and gray. Worn down and dirty looking like the outsides of a prison. Hell even some prisons looked better than this building but all you knew that it was where the missiles would be located.

As you make your way through the snow, the cold winds hit you like a hammer as Each step is a struggle against the snow, which keeps swirling and catching at your legs. The wind howls like a whistle and the sound echoes through the trees as You reach the edge of the woodland as you came about the site.
"Get down there's hostiles."
You whispered as you made your way behind a tree as you looked over the warehouse. the air is cold and the snow is falling steadily as The guards are stationed at various points around the perimeter and they are alert and ready. You stood thinking about ghosts words for a moment but there was no time for that and shook the thought off before looking back at ghost and he gave a firm look before speaking.
"I'll go in from the front and you take if from the back."
You say as you scanned over the area once more and he gave a nod.
"Steadily and quietly. No crazy fucking shit this time."
Ghost replied as he took out one of his throwing knives.

"I already know lieutenant."
You muttered and he glared at you.
"Good , then you know not to give away our position."
He uttered.
"When have I ever gave away our position?"
You shoot a glare back at him before taking a deep breath and beginning to move towards the warehouse as your foot falls silently in the snow. The silence is eerie and unsettling, and you can feel the weight of the mission pressing down on you but most of all , ghosts words.

As you both approach the entrance of the warehouse, you can see the guards standing at attention as They are armed and armored. their eyes are watching and scanning the area around them intently.The doors of the warehouse creak open and the light from inside spills out onto the snowy ground and the air inside is thick and heavy as there was a heat source coming from within. you can feel the tension in the air between the guards and your mission but you know that task at hand As you move deeper into the area getting close.

You gave a hand signal letting ghost know you were moving in and you grabbed one of your knives as well and took them out. Ghost on the other hand quietly made his way to the other side as he was going to go from behind. Walking quietly in the snow you move toward the guards cautiously.They are stationed outside on guard and ready for any interaction that may arise between them and anyone on the outside of what was technically considered their territory.  You move forward slowly taking care to avoid any crunching of snow that may betray your presence.Your hand is trembling slightly as you grip your knife tightly as you knew You needed to move quickly and quietly if you are to take out the guards without alerting anyone else but you weren't knew to this but the thought of fucking up alwahs made you uneasy as you knew one small fuck up could cost many lives including your own.

As you approach the first guard  you can see that he is focused on the warehouse door, his back to you.You take a deep breath and move forward quickly your knife raised in your hand and with a With a swift motion you plunge the knife into the guard's neck pulling him back as you stabbed him again quickly before he could try and struggled against you and he collapses within a few seconds, his body muffled by the snow as his body dropped and his blood spewing from his neck and seeping into the fluffy white snow turning the color from bright white to dark crimson red.

The other guards are immediately alerted and start to turn in your direction with their guns raised as they yelled.
"Don't fucking move."
They yelled but You moved quickly  taking out another guard with a quick slash of your knife before they could fire at you.you moved forward quickly taking out the remaining two guards in quick fashion with Your knife and the guards fall one by one like dominoes. You then quickly looked around making sure the coast was clear and you grabbed your walkie and talked into comms.
"This is soul to ghost , how copy?"
You say , your voice coming through with a soft static tone to it as it went through comms.
"Copy This is ghost, back is clear. I'll make my way back to you in the front."
He informed and you nodded as you cleaned off your bloodied knife with the snow.
Ghost made his way back over towards you and you noticed the small blood splatters on his mask and you just stared for a moment before turning on your feet and walking towards the entrance to the warehouse.

"This is ghost to soap how copy."
Ghost commed in the others through a open line and you heard the small static crackle from through as soap spoke.
"Copy This is soap , see you all made it to the front Alive right through the doors aye?."
Soap chuckled and ghost shook his head.
"Focus , we made it so far. Well let you know further details."
Ghost said and looked at you before signaling quietly to go in.
"Alright , your looking for a black and red cargo crate with the code number 08467"
Soap informed you and you looked around.
"Copy that"
You spoke quietly and soap face lit up on the other side.
"Missing you already y/n"

You rolled your eyes and kept quiet while ghost sighed.
"We will let you know further details."
Ghost snapped in a hushed tone.
"Copy that L.T...."
Soap comms in and the line goes quiet after.

As you and ghost stepped into the warehouse the smell of gunpowder and smoke filled your nostrils as it coulded your senses and the dim light that lit your view , it was dim but it was light enough for you to see but yet again being I the dark gave you the advantage. the sound of the guards' footsteps echoes in the empty space. You can hear their voices talking in low, hushed tones, but you can't make out what they're saying as they are all being very quiet and sneaky about what they are saying.

You gripped your rifle again as well as ghsot did as you both made your way through. Crates upon crates stacked over and under each other creating almost maze-like hallways through the warehouse and you looked around and you eyes winded.
"Found it."
You muttered as you creeped over to the red and black crate looking over the code on it to confirm that it was the crate you had all been looking for but before you could crack open the case a yell rang off.
" Who the fuck are you?!"
A thick Russian accent came about as they had spotted you and you tensed and raised your rifle and ghost did as well but before the guard could shoot you shot first but that didn't end well as that just alerted others.

Shots were fired.

"Fucking hell , get to the front will call for evac."
Ghost shouted at you as he shot down a few of the guards watching over and that started to flow out like water into the hallways filled with cargo crates.
"This is soul to soap , we need evac now!"
You shouted firmly into comms as you started to run out into the snowy terrain.
"This is soap over , get out of there no—we nee—"
Comms cut off as the signal was bad and you you cursed to yourself as you kept running in the dense snow as it poured down quickly making it more difficult to run.
Bullets whizzed past you and ghost as you both ran, having multiple men currently behind you as you all started to run into the forest again.

"Comms are down. I got a ping from soap to where the safe house is we need to head there now so hurry the fuck up and stay close."
Ghost growled as he ran quickly beside you. As you ran a bullet grazed your cheek causing you to wince but you didn't let up as you didn't stop running. Yells and screams can be heard from behind you and you as you saw more of them like behind you like a pack of dogs you shook your head as you replayed laswells an ghosts  words in your mind. 'No crazy shit'.


You took one of the grenade you kept at your side on you and you grabbed it and went to pull the pin. Ghosts eyes widened as he saw what you were about to do but you waste no time before pulling the small silver pin and you threw it behind you.
"Y/n what the fu-
Before ghost could get another word out you pushed him and rolled into a ditch , hurling down like a rolling rock and you held tucked as you hit the ground on hard impact as a flash of white an orange uprupted.

Havoc started and limbs scattered for the shit you've done so far would only leave you tattered.

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