Cash grabbers (chapter 33)

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After a bit of waiting Simon came from the bathroom wearing his suit and tie. His muscular figure fitting nicely within the sleek black and white suit. His hair done up nicely and his shoes shining. You faltered a bit as you kept your eyes on him and you looked away feeling a bit flustered.
"Like what you see hm?"
Simon chuckled as he went over to you.
"....don't distract me."
You muttered.
"Why? Never seen someone in a suit?"
He looked down at you.
"I've never seen YOU in a suit. I like it but just..just go off alright.."
You sighed.
"I don't have a strapless bra. How am I supposed to wear this damn thing?"
You added as you looked at it as it was a strapless dress.
"I dunno how you women do shite , just slap two circle sized pieces of tape on your boobs I dunno."
He shrugged as fixed his suit tie.
"That's actually not a bad idea but I don't know where you expect me to pull two pieces of tape out of my ass."
You grumbled , going quiet as you saw laswell had packed boob tape in there as well and as Simon noticed your silence be smirk.
"She's prepared you now go tape up your melons."
He joked a bit more and you huffed.

You grabbed your things and walked into the bathroom , stripping away from your clothes as you got ready. You didn't like the ideas of wearing a dress an heels for god knows how long. It was uncomfortable and some women couldn't even walk in heels. You alone didn't even know if you could rock heels as you've only worn them once in Your life , this being the second time.As you strip away from your clothes and get undressed, you take a deep breath and try to calm your nerves and annoyance. Wearing a dress and heels for an extended period of time isn't something you're used clearly but it was for the mission.

You used the boob tape and made sure everything was in place before slipping into the Dress , feeling the cool air against your skin. You looked into the large mirror that lied in front of the two sinks that were in the bathroom and you put on some of the red lipstick  that was given to you and you put some on your lips , spreading it evenly and nicely , making sure it didn't smear.
You did your hair fairly decently making sure it was in check as well before groaning as you
You put a twenty dollar bill in your heels as you put on the heels , feeling a bit wobbly as you did so but you managed. You looked stunning but it wasn't your most comfortable outfit. You stepped out of the bathroom , going into the bedroom again seeing Simon and you looked at him turning to show yourself in the back.

"Is my hooch hanging out?"
You tried looking behind you.
"Your what?"
The Brit asked confused.
"Is my damn hooch hanging out y'know?"
You asked firmly yet in a oddly concerning way.
"No your damn shit ain't hanging out. You look beautiful though."
He smirked as he gently tilted your chin up gently using his thumb and fixing your lipstick a bit.
He pulled away, stepping back. You froze up again but relaxed.

"Do I have a camel toe?"
You asked as you turned to face the front and he shook his head.
"How the hell do you get a camel toe in a dress?"
He looks at you.
"Unless your shits are hanging out like two pieces of deli ham in the wind I think your fine."
He joked and you rolled your eyes as you rolled up your dress a bit on the side that covered your leg and you strapped on your thigh holster and you slipped your Glock into it , pulling your dress over as it was a bit loose and didn't show it as it was not skin tight.

"Are you loaded? , do you have comms? ID? We won't need fire arms but it's just incase"
You asked as you placed a tiny but not noticeable device in your ear and he looked at you as he showed you his gun in his jacket.
"Sounds very American of you but yes mother hen."
He joked a bit more , the banter between you two growing.
"Okay tea and crumpets."
You retorted and he grinned at you.
"Atta girl aye , loosening up. Let's go to this casino and catch our guy and get some info."
He gently nudged you before walking towards he room door out in the front to leave and head down into the hotel lobby and  into the casino they had nearby it.

For money grabbers we're out as well as the info you needed you knew with one work nothing would be repeated.

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