Reeling moments (chapter 21)

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Most of the night you stood up , twisting and turning trying to fall asleep. You eventually went to bed at 4 in the morning. Time currently being 6:20 in the morning. You jolted awake reaching for your knife as you heard a knock at your door again and you turned to listen hearing that it was ghost again.
"Wake up , we have a briefing in 40 minutes."
Ghost called from behind your door and you felt the tension that arises in your body for a moment dissipate as you calmed only realizing that it was ghost. Last night you mostly stood thinking about him. You didn't know if he was being friendly, caring or if he had a motive deeper than what he was showing. You couldn't see anything through him but you couldn't deny that you were starting to trust him a little. Just a smidge. There was also that underlying feeling of like for him.

You didn't understand your feelings much , you wanted to think it would pass but as days passed you found yourself thinking about him more. You felt yourself thinking about him more often and you wished it would quit. You were broken from your thoughts as you heard another knock at your door , one that was more harsher.
"Get up l/n."
Ghost said more firmly , waiting at the door before hearing you shuffle around and groan.
Once he heard that he left  heading on his way to chow. You sighed and got up , knowing that you had to go on with the say and you  stand up early in from your bed, the sound of your alarm ringing loud in your ears as you had forgot to turn it off and you sighed before You take another deep breath, shaking off the remnants of sleep and tension and you grabbed your uniform from your set it out and You go through your morning routine with first without a second thought. You went into the bathroom First brushing your teeth and washing your face carefully.

You looked into the mirror seeing the dark bags under your eyes. The lack of sleep was nothing new for you as you spent most nights staying up and you new that this would be your normal look. Once you finished up in the bathroom you put on your uniform, tucking in your shirt and straightening your pants. You kept quiet as you sat on your messy bed and you put on your socks and then your boots , tying them tightly.
You then stood up and shrugged to yourself.
"Same shitty fucking look anyways."
You mumbled to yourself before placing your pocket knife in your cargos and you stood looking back at your bed , not bothering to fix it and you stepped out of your room , seeing soap standing there bright eyed and happy.

"Lovely to see my favorite grouch."
Soap joked and you glared at him and he raised his hands in defense.
"What can't make a joke anymore?"
He smirked and you shook your head before walking down the hall with soap following behind you.
"Heading to the briefing?"
Soap asked and you gave a small nod as you checked the time seeing it was now 6:50.
"No shit Sherlock."
You mumbled and soap chuckled:
"Of course , figured you'd show up"
He replied and you shook your head.
"Not like there's much choice."
You spoke as you walked further down the hallway, eventually reaching the breifing room.
You take a deep breath and step into the briefing room. The air is tense and you can feel the eyes of ghost on you as you make your way to an empty seat. You take a seat and scan the room for something to focus on but all you can see is a sea of stoic faces staring back at you as well as ghost. Soap walked and sat next to you which caused ghost to avert his gaze onto him and off of you and he watched him closely.Laswell stood with an open computer next to price and on the right of price was ghost and on laswells left was Gaz.

"I've seen we've all made it on time."
Price started and you kept quiet while the others gave a nod.
"It seems during the mission extra precaution had to be taken."
Laswell eyed you and you sighed.
"It was a last resort."
You answered firmly and price nodded.
"We understand l/n. For the time being we are tracking where the crates possible could be as they were being shipped off to a different location now. We have no leads yet an as of now we can't do much but wait."
Price explained and Gaz perked up.
"I saw on radar that there was a cargo shipment being made to Germany."
Gaz informed and you looked at him.
"As well from the drone footage."
He added and laswell looked at him.
"I'm pulling the footage up , seeing if we can find any other evidence of where they could possibly be headed in Germany."
Laswell spoke and you gave a small nod.
"For now you will all be training and going about per usual when not on a mission. Behave all of you and will update you all on further notice. Dismissed."
Price dismissed and you pushed out from your seat and stood up quickly.

"That had to have been the quickest meeting ever huh..."
Soap followed behind you and you kept quiet as you walked out and into the hallway again.
"What are you gonna do?"
He asked and you looked at him for a brief moment.
You said bluntly and he cocked an eyebrow at you.
"Not even gonna head to chow?"
He asked in confusion.
"I'll eat later."
You huffed and you walked off ahead of him leaving soap dumbfounded.
Ghost on the other hand stood watching from afar , watching as you went down the route to the training room.

Days would come only a week to buy for the cargo could be headed up in the sky. Ones who new wouldn't last long for a fight would keep up of one in song.

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