004. a visitor inside of my brain

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ACT ONE, chapter four :i'm a prisoner, a visitor inside of my brainand no matter what i dothey try to keep me in chains

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ACT ONE, chapter four :
i'm a prisoner, a visitor inside of my brain
and no matter what i do
they try to keep me in chains


Today was a bad day.

It was raining outside, dark and heavy, with thunder rumbling and rolling, and she couldn't even bloody enjoy it.

Lilium was as unhappy as she always was during the Inspections.

She barely slept, and when she did, she had nightmares. She had dark bags under her eyes, big enough to be world—traveller's luggage, and not a single flower had grown from her pockets. She felt nauseous with absolutely no appetite, and it had put her in a mood. She'd barely resisted the urge to snap at Lavender when she more or less suggested Lilium should add some colour to her clothing.

She was excused from Charms class with Professor Flitwick to attend at their usual time; set bi—monthly as it had for the past eleven years. She'd have to make up some story for it later; to tell Hermione, Ronald, and Potter. They'd be curious where she got off to... Couldn't imagine why, though.

Jaw clenched painfully tight, fists hidden in her sleeves, Lilium took the long way to Professor Dumbledore's office. She took her time in getting there; no reason she should rush after all. Anything she missed in Charms, Hermione would catch her up later. Besides, she liked to hold off the Inspections as long as possible.

And as usual, her father waited for her outside Dumbledore's door. No matter what had passed between them, no matter the tension and awkwardness, he was still here. Had she thought he wouldn't show? Maybe... But there Snape was: arms folded behind his back, peering down at her from his hooked nose, eyes dark and intense. He knew she was late, but he didn't comment on it. She didn't think he liked the Inspections anymore than she did.

Finally, she paused at his side — not meeting his eye, trying to regain feeling in her hands. Knees locked tight, she swayed slightly and briefly she wondered if she was going to pass out. His hand found her shoulder as if to keep her balanced, but it lingered even when he knocked on the door and they strode silently inside.

As ever, Dumbledore's eyes twinkled at their arrival, "There is our new Gryffindor."

Salt in the wound.

Snape could feel Lilium's muscles coil tight under his hand. He let his hand slip away.

The Headmaster continued on unnoticing, "It sounds like you are adjusting rather well, Lilium. Professor McGonagall says you are excelling in Transfiguration."

"Sort of..." Lilium bit her lip shyly, "Last class, we were supposed to be turning animals into water goblets, but... I sort of did the reverse?"

Snape tilted his head in interest while Dumbledore's wiry brows rose, "Oh?"

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