014. blood is all i see

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ACT ONE, chapter fourteen :and my blood is all i seeas you steal my soul from me

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ACT ONE, chapter fourteen :
and my blood is all i see
as you steal my soul from me


At least everything hadn't changed.

Her dorm room seemed miraculously unchanged. Kellah seemed as uninterested in them as always, and Parvati and Lavender were already filling each other in on their fantastical summer trips to Paris and their newest fashion purchases. When they said things like this, they cast knowing looks at Lili as if they knew she would never experience these nice things for herself. Lili sort of wanted them to shut up. It seemed too early into the year to feel that aggressive.

Maybe not for a Snape, though?

Ignoring them, the twelve year old quickly slipped off her bed and hopped onto Hermione's where her best friend was already waiting. The girls shared a smile and got into position. Then, Hermione began to gently run her brush through Lili's wet hair in a familiar, soothing rhythm.

It was a calming ritual they'd made for themselves at the end of last year, a routine to close off the day of studying and scheming, to relax before bed. The bristles of her brush were soft and never brought tears to Lili's eyes like her own brush. Her best friend even made sure not to yank too hard on her tangles, brushing from bottom to top to make sure it didn't hurt. Lili never knew to do that until she met Hermione.

It was times like this that convinced Lili it was okay to have friends.

Hermione had been talking nonstop about their new classes and the textbooks she'd read ahead and the entirety of her educational career at Hogwarts for a full twenty—six minutes now. Lili hadn't gotten a word in edgewise (not that she mined).

"Anyway," her best friend summarised, "I think that if I somehow manage to take extra core classes in Third and Fourth Year, I might be able to take even more electives in our Sixth and Seventh. That way, my future career options won't be limited to only the classes that would fit into an average timetable and I can be prepared for whatever NEWTs I'd like! I just have to figure out how that's possible."

"Time—Turner," Lili suggested distractedly, watching white baby's breath grow between the fingers of her right fist.

The brush in her hair stilled. The silence lingered. Finally, Hermione burst, "You're brilliant, Lili!"

"It comes naturally," Lili teased before changing the subject, "Was it very nice to be back home for the summer?"

"Oh yes. It was so lovely being with my parents full—time again. They're very proud of me, but..."

Hermione hesitated and Lili glanced back a little.

"Go on," she prodded as gently as she could.

"Well, I think they feel sad, sort of, because they know that I'll want to live in the wizarding world once I'm older. Now that I'm here, I won't want to leave..."

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