002. season of the witch

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ACT ONE, chapter two :you've got to pick up every stitchoh no, must be the season of the witch

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ACT ONE, chapter two :
you've got to pick up every stitch
oh no, must be the season of the witch


1 september 1991 — first year.

Lilium Snape hated Harry Potter.

Most reacted with amazement or fascination or obsession upon meeting The Boy Who Lived. Lilium responded with disdain. It had been something ingrained in her, something that she'd been raised with — or perhaps born with.

She knew it was him the moment she saw him, nevermind the scar. Harry Potter. The Boy Who Lived. She was making an effort to ignore the boy, but the moment their eyes met, something shifted slightly. It wasn't a very big shift, hardly noticeable to those not in it, but it was as if the whole world had titled a few more degrees or perhaps everything shifted left a few centimeters.

You hate him, a voice slithered in her head, Remember that: you hate him, you hate him, you hate him.

Lilium swiftly looked away from Potter.

She hated him.

She decided here and now that she could spend the next seven years doing everything she could to avoid the Boy Who Lived.

Lilium once had free reign of Hogwarts; it was her home, before she had known any others. True, she had an unconventional childhood, strange compared to most. Being the child of staff, perhaps the only child of the Hogwarts faculty, she was a young girl who grew up in a boarding school, running round the massive grounds, climbing centuries old parapets, and sliding down ancient bannisters. For years, she had seen other older students, wandering the halls, going to classes, never being able to partake herself.

Now, it was finally her turn.

Lilium felt like she'd been waiting for Hogwarts her whole life. All her life, it was during the school years — between the loneliness and despair that followed one summer and the lift that followed the end of the next — where she hoped to exist forever, Sev and Lilium the only team, the only people in the whole world that mattered.

For those first years, 'til she reached the age of four, she didn't go to Spinner's End with him. It was as if he didn't know how to be her father; he was a man who never intended to be a parent and now had to improvise. And it was at Hogwarts round this time, Madam Pomfrey would say later, that the girl's father fell in love with her.

'Your father was suddenly in awe of you,' she had said, though Lilium didn't remember why.

Severus Snape.

Whenever people found out about her, they were shocked. Appalled, nearly. Lilium who? It wounded her in a way she could not express. Sometimes the girl stared long and hard at her father, trying to make sense of this situation they had both found themselves in.

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