054. dream girl evil

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ACT THREE, chapter fifty—four :at least you'll sanctify me when i'm deaddream girl evil, dream girl evil

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ACT THREE, chapter fifty—four :
at least you'll sanctify me when i'm dead
dream girl evil, dream girl evil


The Hogwarts Express pulled up to Hogsmeade Station just as noisily as it always did.

For once, it hadn't been a pleasant journey.

The air hung heavy amongst the students of Hogwarts, suspicion and fear running rampant. Everyone was watching out the corners of their eye, jumping at the slightest sound, shivering with every bit of news mass murders described as bridge failures, gas leaks, and strange poisonings every other day. The joy of magic seemed tainted somehow, and the First Years seemed particularly skittish which was fair enough. The dangers in their world had made it frightening to enjoy even this.

For her part, Lili had hardly said a word since leaving London and more or less just stared out the windows at the bloodred sun shimmering, staining everyone inside the train a deep and foreboding scarlet. They'd been arguing too, the Golden Quartet, Lili's best friends.

On their journey, Harry had been desperate to be believed as he hissed in the privacy of their cabin, "Don't you see? It was a ceremony. An initiation!"

"Stop, Harry," Hermione chided, scowling from over top her textbook, "I know where you're going with this—,"

"It's happened," Harry had insisted, "He's one of them."

"One of what?" Ron arched a red brow.

Hermione rolled her eyes heavily, explaining, "Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater."

Ron had practically snorted, "You're barking. What would You Know Who want with a sod like Malfoy?"

"So what's he doing in Borgin and Burke's? Browsing for furniture?"

"It's a creepy shop," the redhead shrugged a shoulder, "He's a creepy bloke."

"Creepy blokes have a habit of ending up Death Eaters, Ronald," Lili spoke for the first time, staring dully out the window.

Her friends exchanged a slow, sad look. Regret was thick in the tense atmosphere.

"I need some air," Harry finally said and shoved to his feet, pushing out the cabin without a backward glance.

For once, Lili didn't follow him.

Hagrid met them at the station, like usual, and when she filed off the train with the others, Lili passed Draco who gave her the strangest and darkest look. Lili wanted to talk to them, her arched brow made that clear. If he truly was a Death Eater, she needed to know about it. And if he wasn't yet, then perhaps she could somehow talk him out of it, perhaps she could save him, perhaps she could— Draco slammed the cabin door shut in her face.

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