046. burn your kingdom down

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ACT THREE, chapter forty—six :i don't want your moneyi don't want your crownsee, i've come to burn your kingdom down

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ACT THREE, chapter forty—six :
i don't want your money
i don't want your crown
see, i've come to burn your kingdom down


[trigger warnings — brief depictions of non—con touching]

Hagrid was back!

The Golden Quartet giddily raced each other down the hill, shoes slipping in the dewey grass, shouting and laughing, shoving at each other, nearly falling on their faces. The mood didn't carry once they reached the bottom of the slope.

Through the door, they could hear Umbridge already harassing the half—giant and he'd barely been back five minutes, and when they were finally allowed into the hut, they saw Hagrid's face all beaten and bruised. Their friend had apparently spent the last term trying to recruit the giants to join the Light, and while it was unclear yet if he'd succeeded. The Death Eaters were trying to recruit them too.

Who knew what side anyone would be on when the war finally began?

"It's changing out there. Just like last time."

When thunder rumbled in the not—so—far distance, Hagrid limped to the cracked window, drawing them all with him like a magnetic force.

"There's a storm coming. We'd all best be ready when she does."


Lili was vomiting.

Her first meeting with the Headmaster of the year had taken a drastic turn, and she was brewing with a mixture of hot anticipation and excruciating fear. Her head was hanging low, the sick twisting of nerves growing more intense with each heartbeat. She wrapped her arms tightly round her stomach and leant over her knees to sick up all over the Headmaster office's floor. Again.

"For f—ck's sake, child..."

Severus looked mildly disgusted even as he banished the mess, conjured a glass, and filled it with a quick 'Aguamenti'. Her throat burnt with bile and her mouth tasted absolutely horrid, but these things were quickly soothed by the charmed water and the fresh green mint that Lili hadn't even meant to grow from her right palm. Still, she popped the leaves into her mouth and forced herself to chew.

In her other hand was the crumpled morning's edition of The Daily Prophet.


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