029. i would like you to love me

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ACT TWO, chapter twenty—nine :let me sleep, i am tired of my griefand i would like you to love me

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ACT TWO, chapter twenty—nine :
let me sleep, i am tired of my grief
and i would like you to love me


"Tell it to me, again, start to finish."

At this time of night, Lili Snape could be found in the boys' dormitory. All the other boys were asleep, except for Harry, whose knees were pressed to hers as they tucked in the alcove beside his bed, shoulders against the cool glass of the window. Very little could be seen apart from the glass of water he'd fetched for her and the moving photo of his parents, both barely visible in the fluttering light of a candle.

The weeks since school started again — and since she sort of, kind of ran away — had not been pleasant for Lili, for numerous reasons.

Firstly, Snape had grounded her 'til graduation and onward — as if he had the power to ground her until age forty—five (who knew? maybe he did). And however miserable this time would be, she felt more guilty at having earned all of her friends a month's detention — even though they were fine with it. Apparently letting Fred and George loose on the professors was a dream come true, no matter the mayhem induced.

Truth be told, even Lili didn't mind her own grounding so much; she figured the punishment for running to Eileen's would be worth the truth of what she discovered.

Secondly, Lili was running out of Dreamless Sleep, and now she was trying to make it last. It wasn't going very well. The powder of vipers—flesh that Master Peg had sent her was dwindling, and since she couldn't get to Hogsmeade, she had no way to discreetly request more. Worse yet, her dreams somehow seemed twice as strong now that she was taking the potion regularly, full of sweat and tears and strangled screams.

This, of course, was why she was here.

Back in the present, Lili exhaled softly and squeezed her eyes shut to better picture the vision, "It was them again, the men from the cabin. This time, I saw myself in the Forbidden Forest, under a full moon, and I—I think I saw my mum, but I couldn't see her face."

Green eyes narrowed, "And you're sure it wasn't a nightmare?"

"No, it was... It was different, like the ones I've had before. More..."

How could she possibly describe it?

"Visceral somehow, like I could reach out to touch it. Dream—me, she looked at me again, right in the eye when the men said, 'I suppose we have Sirius Black to thank'."

Harry's brows were furrowed so low that it looked painful.

Lili wanted to tell their other friends, even her father, but she just... couldn't. Hermione already thought Divination was mad, Ron might not understand the credibility, and Snape would more than likely force her to tell Dumbledore. The Headmaster had enough reasons to Inspect her. Harry, though... Harry understood, she thought. He understood without judging.

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