063. now i'm in exile

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ACT FOUR, chapter sixty—three :you're not my homeland anymoreso what am i defending now?you were my townnow i'm in exile, seeing you out

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ACT FOUR, chapter sixty—three :
you're not my homeland anymore
so what am i defending now?
you were my town
now i'm in exile, seeing you out


[trigger warnings — depictions of violence + dubiously consensual kissing]

The Wizarding World was dangerous during times of war.

"Do what you can at first," Aberforth had instructed Lili, "Don't make noise. Don't make mistakes. Don't take chances."

"But if I'm there, if I'm at the very heart of it, why shouldn't I just—,"

"You will get caught, you stupid girl." He snapped back gruffly, "You're too valuable to burn out so quickly. You must be safe, you must build trust. Start small."

Start small.

Starting small meant delivering Light propaganda into Dark—occupied territories. Positive news about the fight against the Dark Lord was vital to fuel the resistance against him, especially now that many were either being kidnapped or on the run.

Lili hung off the Dark Lord's arm like the precious pet he called her, basking in his attention as he seized the chance to boast and gush of his plans and exploits, whatever they might be. She sat at his table and listened to him plot their future together, letting him stroke her face, all the while collecting information about the number and position of Dark allies round Great Britain.

Lili had never been closer to her mother in her life. Bellatrix was thrilled to finally sculpt Delphini in her own image, taking her on raids and missions, teaching her the very best curses to gain information. Her mother would never know that her daughter used these curses on the Dark Lord's own followers, torturing and Obliviating them when they became difficult.

The girl rubbed elbows with those who worked within the newly corrupted Ministry of Magic and stole secrets from their very thoughts like a bluejay, gathering information and filing away stories with details useful to The Order. She didn't readily disclose her Half—Blood status to any high—ranking loyalist she might have come in contact with, knowing it was far too dangerous to be seen as anything other than Pureblooded at a time like this.

Most days, they told her bad news.

Then again, all there was nowadays was bad news.

Snatchers were working with werewolves, prowling the countrysides in search of Blood Traitors and Mudbloods. These groups were d—mn near impossible to predict due to their anarchical and impulsive nature, and so there was no way she could devise safety measures for those fleeing.

It seemed that Macnair's efforts with the Giants had paid off. The Colony was now fully aligned with the Dark Lord, and their new orders were to raid the caves for any giants who did not agree with the new leadership. Lili didn't like implications for Hagrid, not at all.

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