033. losing control now

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ACT TWO, chapter thirty—three :she's falling in love nowlosing control nowfighting the truth, trying to hide

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ACT TWO, chapter thirty—three :
she's falling in love now
losing control now
fighting the truth, trying to hide


No one had a kind word for Harry in all of Hogwarts, and Lili was determined to fight them all.

Everyone thought Harry had entered himself into the Tournament, and no one was impressed. They all seemed determined to punish Harry as much as possible for daring to become one of the school champions, as if he had a bloody choice in it. Even the bloody Hufflepuffs, who were usually very friendly with Gryffindors, apparently felt the need to be loyal to Cedric. Apparently, loyalty meant being remarkably cold and bullying Harry at every possible turn.

It made Lili sick.

"What happened to being kind and fair?!" Acting quite unlike herself, Lili had actually shouted at them before grumbling, "Arsehole Hufflepuffs..."

Harry was shaken after meeting with that b—tch journalist, Rita Skeeter. Even now, Lili scowled at the thought of the newspaper with Harry's face plastered on its front. TEENAGE TRAGEDY: HARRY POTTER. What had it said again? "Harry Potter aged 12, suspect entrant in the Triwizard tournament. His eyes swimming with the ghosts of his,"

"I wasn't crying." Harry had grumbled to Lili, seemed rather embarrassed and eager to assure her of this fact. "She's a right cow."

He was right, of course. That Skeeter woman deserved a hex straight in the face.

People — each of the four Houses — had also taken to wearing 'POTTER STINKS' badges all round the school. Lili flipped them all off, with both hands, and then dragged Harry from the castle with a dignified sniff.

And worse than all of that, Ron — of all bloody people — wasn't speaking to Harry.

Hermione maintained Ron was jealous, and she was right, but it still hurt Harry and Lili wasn't about to let that stand. He had drawn a line in the sand, and Lili fully intended to honour his decision until he pulled his head out of his arse. So, Harry avoided his dorm room as much as possible now, since Ron and Seamus and Dean were being total pricks. But until Ron stopped being stupid, and he would stop sometime soon, Lili was content to remain firmly at Harry's side. She'd chosen where she stood, and Ron didn't seem to particularly like that. Tough.

On top of all that, Lili also knew that Harry had secretly Floo—called Black for advice while Snape was still trying to figure out who put his name in the Cup in the first place, but so far there'd been no luck.

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