034. war inside my mind

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ACT TWO, chapter thirty—four :war inside my mindbehind my eyes it's coming downfor the thousandth timei feel too numb to even mind

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ACT TWO, chapter thirty—four :
war inside my mind
behind my eyes it's coming down
for the thousandth time
i feel too numb to even mind


Harry was glad Lili paired herself with him in class today.

Double Potions these days were nothing short of torture. Being shut in a dungeon for an hour and a half with the Slytherins was about the most unpleasant thing Harry could imagine. But at least he had Lili because, honestly, he wasn't sure he'd be able to survive it without her. Especially since Ron, the git, had now decided he wanted absolutely nothing to do with Harry.

Though, he could still see the 'POTTER STINKS' badges flashing across the room.

Between Lili whispering, "ignore it, ignore it, ignore it" under her breath and occasionally tapping her foot against his, he managed not to completely lose his shite.

Still, when class came to an end, Harry was more than relieved. As everyone else filed out, he hurriedly packed up his books, shoving them into his bag, preparing to to flee when:

"Potter." Ah hell. It was Snape. "Remain after class. You as well, Miss Snape."

Harry felt dread well up in his gut, but at least Lili was still at his side—

"Lilium, come here. No, Potter, you remain in your seat."

—Or not. Lili gave him a bewildered shrug as she walked up beside her father, leaving Harry more or less in the back row. He felt mildly confused, but he obeyed and slowly eased back into his chair. Whatever the hell was going on, he wasn't sure he was going to like it. For a long while, there was only silence. Snape just stared at them. Harry wondered if the man had finally inhaled too many potion fumes and forgotten why he'd asked them to stay.

"Sev?" Lili lightly prompted when it was starting to get really unbearable.

Without further ado, Snape tapped the blackboard with the tip of his ebony wand. "Read the instructions of today's assignment, Potter. Out loud."

Harry's eyes narrowed. So this was just some elaborate way to humiliate him in front of Lili, the one person whose opinion of him mattered the most. Brilliant. Really brilliant. What a miserable b—stard. And he thought they were finally sort of, kind of getting on, too!

Harry jut his jaw out in defiance.

Snape's eyes narrowed infinitesimally, and when he next spoke, his tone was biting, "If you presume I am instructing you to read the board with the sole purpose to embarrass you, you are sorely mistaken, Mister Potter. I am merely attempting to test the limits of your eyesight."

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