052. i used to scream ferociously

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ACT THREE, chapter fifty—two :please picture me in the weedsbefore i learned civilityi used to scream ferociously

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ACT THREE, chapter fifty—two :
please picture me in the weeds
before i learned civility
i used to scream ferociously


Lili woke the morning of her birthday with great foreboding.

The magic in the air had changed once more, and Lili didn't like how overwhelming it was. There were too many signatures in the house, all confusing scents and tones, that it was impossible to identify one from another. Everything else was quiet, though, but how much noise did an Avada make? Death made hardly any noise at all.

So. Lili prepared herself for battle.

Wand in hand, she crept down the steps in perfect silence, readying for the threat lying in wait downstairs.



Jumping about a foot, Lili accidentally shot off one stinging hex in shock which Severus quickly shielded off. Her heart was pounding with a wild drumbeat as she took in the grinning faces surrounding her. Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George, her grandmum — Eileen, Mister and Missus Weasley, Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore, Tonks and Lupin, and of course, Harry and Severus.

"What the shite?!" Lili couldn't help but burst.

Severus sighed heavily.

Harry was bemused, "It's a party."

Lili couldn't understand, arching a brow, "For what?"

Hermione puffed a laugh, rolled her eyes, and walked close to give her a tight hug, "For you, silly. Happy sixteenth, Lili."

Oh. Her birthday. That was right. But all these people: professors and parents and friends, they all came here — to celebrate — her?

Embarrassingly, Lili was overcome with such bright brilliant gratefulness that made her want to choke and all she could manage was an appreciative smile. Everyone seemed to understand, Merlin bless them.

Draco wasn't invited, but of course he wouldn't have been. If they lived in a different world, things might've been different. Harry had also invited Neville and Luna, but Neville's grandmother was beyond paranoid and hadn't let the poor boy out of the manor all summer and Luna was currently on a expedition with her father looking for heliopaths... Whatever those were.

The party lasted all day.

Hermione and the twins had mostly been in charge of the decorations which they'd done fabulously with a mix of Muggle and magical. Everyone — but Severus, of course — wore ridiculous coned caps that Hermione purchased, and brightly wrapped gifts were set up on the table near the hordes of food. They'd set up stakes with string lights (enchanted to twinkle different colours) all round the beach yard, and everything was decorated with green streamers and silver balloons that hovered round the party guests instead of drifting into the sky.

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