026. embracing the madness

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ACT TWO, chapter twenty—six :embracing the madnessmy devils, they whisper in my eardeafening me with all my fearsi'm living in a nightmare

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ACT TWO, chapter twenty—six :
embracing the madness
my devils, they whisper in my ear
deafening me with all my fears
i'm living in a nightmare


A few hours before curfew, Lili finally got to business with none other than Fred and George Weasley.

Their business, nameless as it was, had been off to a great start. Their first batch of products had been a success, and they already had orders for more. The Daily Prophet used the Owl Order Service to deliver their newspapers so the Weasley twins had followed suit, using the Hogwarts owls to deliver to their buyers round the school. So far, the twins had sent their products round the school disguised as perfumes and cough potions and the like. Brilliant, of course; how could it not be? The twins were behind it, after all.

"The service is working brilliantly as I said it would—," George stood tall with pride. 

"I said it would," Fred corrected, just as proud.

"Not before I said it would," George needled.

"You both said it would, at the same time, as always," Lili smirked tiredly between them, staving off what was sure to be a long and tiring conversation.

Still, she'd missed the twins this summer. It felt brill to have some semblance of normalcy again.

Reaching into her satchel, Lili passed over a wooden box of potions, "Here is your next order, including re—supplies of pimple vanisher (should now take about ten seconds, if my calculations are right), more bruise paste, and a few other samples of beauty potions — I'm not sure I've got them quite right yet. Oh, and I've started experimenting with potions that you might work into sweets, like things that might swell the tongue or turn someone purple or the like."

The twins shared a glance, grinned, and then darted to kiss each of her cheeks. Lili jolted in surprise before flaming bright pink.

"A genius, you are—,"

"—Complete and utter—,"


"Well," the heat in her cheeks was almost unbearable as she stumbled out, "Y—You might wait to stop calling me that 'til you see if this new batch works or not."

"Oh, it'll work," George assured her, "And this is just the beginning, you'll see."

That wasn't suspicious at all, was it.

"Why...?" Her eyes narrowed suspiciously, gaze darting between the redheaded twins, "What're you two planning?"

"One day..." The twins practically shone like a pair of suns. "Explosive Enterprises."

"Bloody hell."

"Now you're sounding like our dearest ickle Ronniekins," Fred pinched her cheek, and she teasingly shoved him back, but only after he accepted the box from her hands. "Our sincerest thanks to you, my lady."

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