036. suck your venom out

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ACT TWO, chapter thirty—six :i am the antidotei'll suck your venom outshow me where it really hurts

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ACT TWO, chapter thirty—six :
i am the antidote
i'll suck your venom out
show me where it really hurts


The Golden Quartet sequestered themselves to the library.

Now that the Yule Ball had passed (thank Merlin) and school had started up again (less thankful), it was time to get back to work. Still neither of Lili nor Harry had discussed the kiss (!!!), but every time she was round him, her lips started to tingle and she couldn't stop thinking about what it would be like to kiss him again. And if Harry's bright pink face as of any indication, he felt just the same.

But there really wasn't time for any more... distractions.

Romantic or otherwise.

Because the Second Task was tomorrow, and Harry was in deep shite. Fortunately, he'd figured out the golden egg, though he confessed it was only because Cedric led him to it. So, after a little dip in the Prefect's bathroom, he discovered that the screeching from the egg was a song of the merpeople, saying: 'Come seek us where our voices sound. We cannot sing above the ground. An hour long you'll have to look, to recover what we took.'

So far they'd deciphered that Harry would need to stay in the Black Lake to find something they stole for an hour. Relatively straightforward... except that for the fact that Harry had to stay underwater for an hour.

"That is," Hermione bit her lip, "Admittedly, potentially problematic."

Harry glared at her through narrowed eyes, "'Potentially problematic'? When's the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour, Hermione?"

Hermione winced.

Sympathetic, Lili squeezed the Harry's shoulder from where she sat on the desk near a pile of books, flipping through Jigger's Magical Drafts and Potions, racking her brain for some kind of potion solution. When she pulled her hand away, her skin tingled. For his part, Harry blushed bright, bright pink at her touch alone. They glanced at one another and glanced quickly away.

Ron smirked at the pair of them from where he was falling asleep by the opposite shelf.

"Hey, Lili?"

"Yes, Ron?"

Bluntly, as if sensing his best friend needed a distraction, the Weasley boy asked, "What does the 'S' in Lilium S. Snape stand for?"

"Keep dreaming, Ronald Bilius."

Ron gasped in utmost horror, "How did you know—?"

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